The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Did someone say "Writers rum"?...
  2. Mm…writers rum.

    ~Downs a whole bottle~
  3. *downs the all the writers rum*

    No more writers rum
  4. *brings out writers beer*

    I got backup
  5. *drinks it all in my sorrow*
  6. I am going to kill.

    I am going to tear someone's head off, burn it in an industrial oven, and eat the charred remains. I will then sacrifice myself to Satan to unleash the power of hell unto Earth.

  7. Mean while I got banned from my home clan and had the crappest day imaginable, Swagger made my day better though
  8. @cheese.
    Aw what's wrong?

    Yayy :) with ur awesomeness and my bestest swagger, we'll do just fine :p

    I'm such a sucker for sad books. I'm bad ass normally, but I just finished this book that had a really sad then really happy ending. You know where you are crying because it's sad, but then you cry even harder when it gets happy? Yesh? Good stuff. So yesh, amazing book but I cried through the whole ending rofl. Ands it's not a KaW book either. On something called Wattpad and it's called Loving In Time if ya want to check it out.

    Okaiss I'll stop now :p

    Swag x
  9. @I got Swagga

    I use wattpad currently writing a story not finish
  10. Do you? That's cool, I don't have an account though. I just read the books not write them
  11. Maroon 5 - She will be loved
  12. What's with the:
    Hi Blitz, I see you got a new name going. Now what is with the italics?
  13. Pheonix who did your clans home page? I like it! I've got something special for the designer/s
  14. Which clan? CoS or the pwar clan I'm in?
  15. It's not very amazing wall art... >.>
  16. Not the art, just the pure comedy of it
  17. What, with the:  and ? I just find that slightly perverted.