The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ༄That syndrome thing seems so incredibly perverted. o.o༄

  2. Do I have a syndrome named after me?
  3. No Zaln, that's mine, get your own 
  4. Lol, I wrote my story two days ago, and it's already on the second page :(
  5. Sneak Peek of Broken: Chapter 13

    On the eighth day, it was still raining when there was a knock on my door. I had been summoned to a meeting. I was expected to be there, on time, looking presentable. If I did not go, I would be sent to the dungeon to do the dishes with the convicts, a threat I couldn't see Arrabella following through on.


    I changed clothes. I ran a brush through my hair. I fastened my sword to my belt. I skipped breakfast. I felt hollow.

    For once, I wasn't late. If you can believe this, I showed up first. I paced back and forth in the dark, not bothering to open the curtains of the floor to ceiling windows or lighting a candle.
  6. There is one problem with that that is much like what I do:

    I changed clothes. I ran a brush through my hair. I fastened my sword to my belt. I skipped breakfast. I felt hollow.

    "I" syndrome.
  7. Kinda the point. She's too depressed to elaborate.
  8. ༄Lol lazy syndrome! And Karl, lick a cow xP (idk, just being random). In random news, I love riding the school bus lmao.༄

  9. That's my syndrome? Because it's not laziness. It's lack of the will/sanity required to do certain things which includes writing.
  10. Irin Syndrome - the unexplained lack of will to write. Serious cases include using the name "Irin"
  11. Wait, but you just used my name...I'm confused. And you forgot 'lack of sanity.'
  12. ༄The definition reflects Irin. It's insane! Lol.༄

  13. Entry one on "Whisper of the scythes is out"
  14. If I said Chapter 13 was titled, 'Run Me Through with a Fork," what would you think?
  15. That would be a painful title

    Titles for chapters give away to much
  16. Oh, OH. OHOHOHOH! I have Irin syndrome, I got it from... A POISONOUS COUCH.
  17. Is it just me, or has there been a surplus of activity on fanfic lately?
    Because I posted my story two days ago...
    And it's on page two already.
  18. Okay, this syndrome joke is going to far. It's not laziness it's lack of bloody will. You guys have no idea.

    And I suppose Fan fic is a bit more active.

    Anyone else got anything to say on "Run me through with a fork"?
  19. ༄Sounds like you want us to do that and then you'll sue us... Lolz. Nah. Irin is having an emotional meltdown.༄

  20. Ugh it's the Chapter title. I'm working on it now. Longest chapter I've written in awhile. Should be up soonish. Def by tonight. Zaln, your going to love this knew character I've got. He's just like you!
