Hey paradox. Id read it. From what i read already it gonna be a good one. I do have a question though: what happends next? Will the girl be ok or will there be a ritural to bring her back?
I figured it out! Three more chapter plus a epilogue for Atlantric! If you wanna know more Plz check my feedback thread thx! More info there
I've had cases of both cheesemuffin and Zaln syndrome for a while now. They are beginning to take a toll on my writing ability
Me too I only made this to post on KaW my so far 120 page book needs to be posted soon It is called Zero "Lulu! WAKE UP"called his younger sister Destiny. "you need to stop calling me this I am Lelush Lamperush... Not 'lulu'"he replies kidishly. As he walks outside, forgetting something he sees a 'nightmare', a death machine made during the war against Britania. Britania won forcing us to be called 11's. He walked down the street still half asleep at 5am for school he notices a soft feeling at the back of his shirt. At first he ignored it but when everyone laughed when he arrived at home room he knew something was up but he couldn't put his finger on it. "I don't know or care what you are laughing about..." he replied coldly as he sat. "Lelush-" his best friend "Kogie" was interupted by his teacher. " LELUSH!!! I know you get tired but that is no reason to wear your pajamas to school. That happened 7 years ago before I became zero... Hello my name is Lelush yes it happens I am the sad little 11 year old in this memory but that will never change why will happen from this point out...