The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. If you don't believe in it, it can't hurt you. Also refer to GG2W
  2. Put words on the paper, then your thoughts will flow. A blank piece of paper looks massive, but a few words and its not so bad 
  3. My advice: Take a break and go outside. A two-three days break should do the trick. Though for me it ended up being two weeks because I got lazy... Lol
  4. Ooh I figured out what I'm going to do when I finish Atlantric!!! I'm going to play around with some short stories!!
  5. Yayy :) I'm definitely going to read them stora :)

    And once I finish Whispering Clouds, I've got a wicked new storyline. And A Changing Personality will possibly be a trilogy, or maybe there will only a one sequel to it. There will definitely be a second book though, as I have in mind what will happen at the end of the book.
  6. Lazy_Stora <--- New name 
  7. Ok then. I guees ill try it out and see what happends:

    Blood Flower

    Some say it's the flower of death
    Some say it brings bad luck and miss fortune
    But to really find the truth behind the crimson color
    You must look past the thorns
    You must look deeper then it's apperance
    Because the Blood Flower is not evil
    But of life, honor and love
    The Blood Flower for somthing more then death or evil
    It's a sybol
    A symbol of those that put their lives on the line for those they hold dear
    The crimson color stands for the honor in one's viens that protect those who are precious to them
    And are willing to lay their life down for that person
    So whenever you see a Blood Flower
    It's good fortune
    For you have found that special person
    Never will the flower decay or die
    For this is the flower of Life
    And Love

    Took me three weeks to do this one. Hope u enjoy 
  8. *strokes imaginary beard*

    Quite nice, truly
  9. o_o That's perhaps one of the best poems I've read...

    But, I haven't seen TOO many poems. It's really good though. 
  10. Thank u. I was a bit scared to post it though.
  11. Just curious but would anyone actually read The Curse of Necromancy?
  12. What's that 0-0
  13. A story I'm kind of writing. It was meant to be released in September but IDK cos I dunno if anybody would read it…
  14. @Karl Are you giving me a nickname too?
    @Paradox I'll read it!
  15. Here's a little teaser from the prologue.

    • The Curse of Necromancy

    Black rain clouds slowly formed over the village to make one dense cloud. Even with the awful weather the villagers continued the festival of M'Saati. Ribbons and different coloured lamps infested the grimy tiled streets as happy infants skipped up and down. Adults laughed and bumbled, trying to imbracs the festival of M'Saati; trying to ignore the prophecy. Trying to forget the Elders. Trying to escape the clouds. Tables lined all the roads like a network, food littered the wooden slabs. Chicken, beef, pork, geese. This was a treat for the town people, they never got any meat but the Monarch needed some kind of happiness in his Kingdom.

    As the clouds started to thin more children started to run around. A girl tripped on one of the wooden table legs. Bowls of fruit clattered to the cobblestone ground. Large dull metal plates of pig and chicken slid across the rough wooden table. As the shards of wood flung into her skin, slashing her open, her knee dragged on the jagged tiles; blood spraying over the rocks. As the street got painted a deep crimson the girl burst into tears. Her eyes were raw as she violently rubbed the tears out of her eyes.
  16. Hey isn't that the same one that you showed before?
  17. Yeah, I've devolped it in the later parts of the chapter.

    Look at the bottom of the first page of "Short Stories" and it has the original prologue.
  18. Could someone tell me what you would call a group of bad people? Like good people, Regulators. Neutral, Rogue.... Please???
  19. So you're going to turn it into a whole story?
  20. I have a plot line, it's not going to be that long. I'd say about two pages :L