The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You sir, are a self-centered egotistical jerk.

    You do not control the whole freaking world of FanFic. If someone posts on your stupid as hell RP, they have the right to.

    The Feather I remembered wasn't a dick, he had something I think you've forgotten: SELF CONTROL.

    I don't care what "changes and hormonal shifts" you claim to be going through, there's no need to whine about something like that.

    You know what I, or ANYONE ELSE in FanFic would've done in this situation? We'd read it, shrug, and then delete it, MAYBE sending the poster a harsh message. Nobody but you would go whining to a mod over this. They have more important things to do.

    ^those three specks are you. That wave is the amount of hate I have yet to vent.

    If you're not the egotistical wuss I'm almost certain you've become, get on Steam and I'll make sure you hear the rest of it.

    That leaves FeatherHunter with how many friends?.... Pretty sure it's 0
  2.  Woah a rift in the fan fic oligarchy. I'm voting for team cheese!
  3. We need one more team lol Team Camotan12, I'm the one who started the rift remember lol.
  4. Hahaha.

    I don't have any friends on here. Just acquaintances.

    If you'll excuse me, I've gotta go and write. Cya later.

  5. How'd you like the farm? Mr. "I'm gonna farm you so hard when I regen"

    I think your world is crumbling
  6. Feather, may you burn in all 7 levels of the same hell Dante went through. What's that? You have a GOD? A GOD that keeps you from going to hell? I declare that BULLCRAP. Nothing, especially some nonexistent flying piece of crap that "watches over us all" would help you in the event you needed something to believe in.

    Alright, watch this:


    What's that? No speakers? I WONDER WHY?

    Aside from your worthless and nonexistent worshipped flying thingamajig, nobody here on FanFic is on your side anymore.

    Now, please, for your own sake, get your high-pitched "puberty-experiencing" little ass out of here.
  7. And so the rift gets bigger...
  8. When's the next chapter of Revolution btw?
  9. I dunno. Gonna be busy for most of today
  10. I'm laughing now lol. Y'all all thought I was the one who was in the wrong lol. It's just hilarious that sense has finally struck.
  11. Wait what is this some kinda joke I don't get it Mesa confuzed.
  13. The rift. It grows bigger an bigger. The others are trying to push me in.
  14. Here's the jist of it.

    Feather was a dick and got me silenced, overreacting as usual. Now he and I are in an all-out flame war against eachother.
  15. Wahaha you thought I was stupid for doing that cheese. You thought I was stupid for questioning him lol.
  16. *pushes Feather into rift*

    All done!
  17. You kinda were camo. Everyone still sides with me on the helping you with your story thing.
  18. No. You were though. You believed confederates should've won the civil war.
  19. Feather how was I supposed to come back you didn't leave any instructions so I went with huge brain power