...although I'm happy you like Battle Camp, I'm a bit concerned about that cats legs... Or lack of...
Wow. How mature. You are just mad. Blah blah blah. And then you blocked me? Lol! I'd laugh but I'm tired. Grow up. I was joking around. And anyway, I'm glad I said it. I don't like you 75% of the time so yeah, I'M GLAD YOU AREN'T WRITING IT!
Think about yourself: What do you care about? You care about yourself You are so self-centered You might think you care about others Think you care about their feelings Care about me But in the end It all boils down to you Doesn't it? Think about others: What do they care about? They care about themselves They don't care about you They can pretend Just like you pretend But they don't care about you Don't care about your feelings Care about me Because it's all about them Isn't it? Think about me: What do I care about? I care about you, right? I must, you think But your wrong I'm just as self-centered as you I don't care about them Don't care about their feelings Care about you I can't because I'm just like you Aren't I? 8-14-2011
Hi Im trying to write a story can I please have some feed back I don't know if its good or bad It was dark in the woods and colder than usual but that didn't bother kate, she came into the woods every night collecting wood for her father. She lived in a small log cabin on the out skirts of the forest her farther was a timber merchant who sold wood to everyone across the realm. It was getting late and as Kate was returning home she heard a blood curdling scream, her farther. She dropped her basket and ran. Ran towards the noise. She got to the clearing and nothing prepared her for what she saw, the log cabin was on fire and only half of it was standing up. there were four people, not the people she would see every day these were different, hardy humans.they were clad in long, black robes covered in blood splatter from the souls they have killed. there faces covered in black bandages showing only there left eye. They look like shadows Kate thought to her self. She kept out of sight but then she saw her father. He was on his knees and looked battered and worn out the shadows had him. one had a fierce looking blade rust covered the whole thing and was splashed in dry blood. It was held under her farther's chin and in one quick movement the thing slit his throat. Kate screamed then clasped her hand over her mouth, all four shadows looked at her, she turned and ran.
Good story but I think that is a flat End to it "She turned and ran" Maybe "Ran for her life" Other wise good
"Ran for her life" is too cliche in my opinion. The way the author had it seemed perfectly fitting. It adds a sense that she plans to let readers in on the girl and how she runs to avoid the chase. "Ran for her life" is used too much in literature nowadays and it takes away that element of originality and the "author's own" work.