The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Awww I guess that FTLOC is on hold too. If u want I can write another chapter of FTLOC so you can have more time.
  2. It's cool, it's just two stories hurts my head >.<
  3. Your head should explode-.-


  4. Since GG has been disbanned I will bring it back to life in the form of "The Last Stand of the Writer's".
    Follow me if you were GG.

    This is annoucment endorsed by Blitz_Xephos
  6. What should it be then Mr. Know it all? >.>
  7. It should be "GGR"

    GG Reborn.
  8. lol in chat you said mr. big guy.
  9. Poll:
    Writer's Refuge (Feather's name)
    Writer's Last Refuge (My name  ;))

    Choose which you prefer.
  11. Blitz tried commiting suicide
  12. And he came back 30 min later.

    That's a good thing :)
  13. Lady walks in with a Hawaiian t-shirt on, there leis around her neck, sunglasses and flip-flops on, and a water-proof camera in her hands.

    "Hey guys! Do you think I could look more touristy?"

    (I'm still on vacation, but we switched hotels. I now possess the magical power of WIFI!)
  14. So, guys... I haven't posted a story in a while. Yeah... I want to though! Would anyone read a revised and edited version of battle camp? I'm seriously thinking about doing that, but it would be silly if no one would read it. There would most likely be new chapters and maybe even new characters. If you would like to read that, just let me know, and I can make it happen!
  15. YES! Two readers! Thanks guys! It'll have all your favorite characters (Talon, Rora, Luke, Shorlorn) unless, of course, your favorite character is in the enemy (like me! Wolf, MATTHIAS, Symphoney, Mark), then they will appear in the edited/revised version of battle camp: the enemy. And THERE WILL BE A FOURTH BOOK! I owe it to my friends in RL (they did help me come up with the plot...).
  16. I'd read it :3