The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. 0.o RUN AWAY!!!!!!! *runs for my life into a cave*
  2. -laughs evilly- I'LL KILL U ALL!
  3. What do u mean ironhulk still lives I'm touched someone remembers my rain of terrror
  4. "Heheh" everyone is dead and I sit at a booth and drink a monster 'mega' energy drink.
  5. I've decided to commit 30 minutes to typing each night. I will not post by chapter, I will post the whole thing
  6. But how will you get feedback?!??
  7. What happened to food fight
  8. Ugh...I think irin would want this thread to continue the starting purpose. Does anyone have any stories their writing?
  9. I'm writing 2 books and starting on a third.
  10. Oh cool. What are they?
  11. I'm writing a story
  12. If anyone wants to read it I'll bump it
  13. They're WarriorCats books. But I'm making my own series of them.
  14. Oh cool! I'm making my own book. It's a murder mystery of a high school cheerleader. This group of goth kids is suspected to be the killers, and they tumble through emotional turmoil as they turn against each other, and lose trust in one another.

    Who wants a copy when I'm done? Lol, jk
  15. long will irin be gone?
  16. NOOOOOOOOO IRIN!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ༄She's on vacation. Where? Won't say, but let the girl have a break. If you piss her off... Then we're all f-Ed (I know >.>). so relax haha.༄

  18. I want to write stories but my mind has gone blank , no thanks to featherlesshunter - Poison