The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Yay! -throws chili at Storalite- MWUAHHAHAH! -hides in freezer-
  2. Uh oh
    -opens freezer and pours bucket of compost on tiger- 
  3. Aww c'mon feather

    -throws muffin at feather-
  4. *secretly takes the muffin and eats it*
  5. *stares in horror at his cousin being eaten*
  6. BLECH! -steps out of freezer- Compost? I thought this was a food fight! -throws slaughtered chicken on stora- MWUAHHAHAH! -hands the feathers to feather-
  7. Opps I guess I mistakes that for pudding
    -Throws out chicken-
  8. I'm depressed...
  9. Don't be feather! -hugs feather randomly- HUGGLES!
  10. Pimella walked into the stinky food ridden cafe, arms swinging, as she hums a little tune.

    She froze in the doorway, taking in the huge mess as a few regulars battle it out.

    "Not even gonna ask," she said with a roll of her eyes, and she quickly made her exit.
  11. What happened to irin?
  13. Haha sorry. Lol
  14. Hey Feather! You wanted proof?


    Couldn't find a decent angle :S
  15. I KNEW YOU WOULD LOOK THAT WAY! Glasses, that bumpy voice. It's all there! Cept you aren't black. I knew when I mentioned Drake the rapper-singer you were white!
  16. Is someone gonna answer my question?!?!
  17. Irin went on vacation, I think...