The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone! I'm making a story called "Defiance". Please sign up in my thread!
  2. Hey guys! I'm up late (or, rather, up early) for pottermore and I thought I'd bump my old story, A Game of Secrets! My friend in RL posted it while I was... Urg... On vacation from KaW.
  3. Hey guys. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going on vacation soon, and you guys might not see me for a couple weeks. I have no idea if this place has wifi/if it'll cost anything, but if it does I'll be sure to come on and say hi (and brag about what an awesome time I'm having.)

    So, long story short:If this place is a mess by the time I get back, you will all feel my wrath. Not ONE drop of blood on this floor. Seriously.

    Have a nice two weeks!

  4. *Psst*
    Irin's gone. I'm going to leave one drop of blood on the floor because I'm a rebel.
  5. XD

    I'm not going on any vacation this summer D:

    As soon as I'm done with Madness Unleashed, I'm gonna IMMEDIATELY start writing Revolution'
  7. Ooh...
    Since Irin is going to be gone...
    *starts scheming*
  8. *Chips some glass off the cafe window*

  9. :shock: Lurking... (That's as close as I could get to lurking on my pc.)
  10. I'm going on vacation too, Irin! I fond know if I'll have wifi either, so I'm not responsible for any blood on the floor unless proven otherwise.
  11. Stab... Blood spills everywhere then give five hundred dollar to random guy to clean the mess up for irin...

    Ps i didn't bring my army this time irin...
  12.  this was at feather just becuase I'm random
  13. Ummm NO blood? :( but it's fun to spill blood!! Trust me. I have an abusive family...... -_____-#
  14. I iz back from vacation!!!! O.O what did I walk in to? Lol
  15. ༄Welcome to the US of A!༄

  16. @Zaln

    Land of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean,
    Apple pie, baseball, and Shell gasoline,
    And if you don't love her f*** you.

    Stephen Lynch - I had to do it XD
  17. ༄Cool Story Bro.༄

  18. I've been busy and going to be busy for awhile so FTLOC may take some time