The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. And please give me the name of one emo story on ff
  2. Is Stora the only one who read FTLOC? 
  3. It's turning into the age of bumping. Oh noz.
  4. Women over the weight of 175 lbs should not wear short shorts 
  5. Where is everyone!?
  6. FanFic's going into another dormant stage... 
  7. It's because this is vacation time. A lot of people are on vacation
  8. Anyone looking in here:

    Stop freaking out with the spammers. It only encourages them. Just ignore them, wall a mod, and get their threads deleted. If all else fails, email the Devs if it is inappropriate. We've gotten rid of spam before, we can do it again. Just stay calm.

    FH I'm OFFICIALLY talking to you. No need to burst a blood vessel.
  10.  *bows down to iPimella*
  11. I have posted chapter 13 of stranded, from here on its rated 13 lol
  12. I really need some feedback lol
  13. Don't beg for feedback. It will come to you, like a zombie to a brain. Just give it time for it to catch up with it's slow shuffling footsteps.
  14. ༄Lmao great simile haha༄

  15. Longest thread ever