Sounds cool but also sounds a lot like that other story called "A day in the life of a wandering villager" (At least I think that's what it was called.)
Hmm. I don't go on this section. But still, it would be good comedy that expresses what everyone feels during an EB- like wtf?!?! How do you assassinate tentacles?!?! I'm still looking for a EB to base my story on. I'm thinking of one that has tentacles an isn't too complex. Then I would need someone to give me this information: At the different phases what do you have to do? Assassinate, attack, scout, etc. What does it say when you get to the new phases? I.e. Before you can do much, a large female troll guards the entrance. I need to know what is happening, like Please tell me if I should make the story- this will be my first and I'm a lil bit rusty.
well what you say is similar to this story: (the one i mentioned above) and if you need info on the EB's then This thread should give you some of the info you need.
I mean what it says, like the female troll, so I can put in things like: "We were watching the doorway as a massive female troll emerged, making us scramble back as the assassinators moved in for the kill.
oh well this is the one from the awakening: "An eerie calm fills the air, as huge tentacles rise up and out from the deep, threatening your ships from both sides!" That's after you scout to 25%.
Hmm. I need to join a clan with just 1 other strong person and we can go through the EB and record everything.
༄Cool idea, Phoenix.. I was planning a KaW story line including the Pve bosses, but if you're gonna do it, sweet! Here's a small clip of what you might be getting at...༄ Chapter 6: Trolls Part 2 Lady Jasmine watched as her troops ran into battle. She had brought forty-thousand troops to conquer the trolls, and after breaking through so much defenses and loosing many more men, they were facing yet another gigantic challenge. Ghostfang the Troll. Her Mortar Teams seemed to be getting nowhere, and the Dark Assassins she had devoted so much time to weren't faring to well either... Sighing she looked behind her at the camp, and beyond it the large stretch of prairie land. Jasmine hoped that her close friend and ally, Lord Roddric would soon come with more troops because she knew it was only a matter of time before her losses outweighed her able-bodied men. Sighing, she tore her gaze away and once again focused on the distant troll several miles away. There were bright explosions and giant booms, but Jasmine could clearly see that Ghostfang wasn't very much affect. If only, she thought to herself, if only I had studied the trolls and their ways more... She turned away and returned to her war council. ****** Aeir had been fighting for hours and they were getting nowhere against this giant troll. The troll was the size of a small castle and Aeir had never heard of such a beast. Heavy dust and smoke was all over the battlefield and Aeir's throat was scratch. He was sweaty and tired. His metal armor didn't help. Aeir scanned around for any troops preparing to launch another attack. His eyes watered, but he found a battalion of troops regrouping. He grabbed his polearm and checked to make sure he still had a sword at his hip, sheathed and deadly. Running, Aeir recalled what had occurred just hours before. He and his squad were one of the initial attackers, and on horseback, charged the great troll. Systematically they had defeated the first two trolls easily, but the trolls were much smaller. Ghostfang was larger and definitely more experienced. Aeir at times wondered if Lady Jasmine might've gotten over-confident after trumping the two trolls easily. But this gigantic troll was something totally different. With one swing of its spiked club, it killed half of Aeir's comrades. The force of the impact on the ground had been enough to throw Aeir from his mount. And nothing seemed to be able to injure the mighty troll. Aeir sighed and started to sprint. This was gonna be a long battle... ༄So that's what I get from your idea Phoenix. Is that what you had in mind?༄ iZaln
Nice, I'm pasting it to my thread so I can use it when I get to the more serious part of the story. Look at my thread for more details on what my story might be like.