The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Wow, thanks. 11:25 but Internet might go off soon
  2. I'm so tired!

    I'm prank calling my grandma at 1 am
  3. @Feather Lolz xD
  4. Gtg ttyl cant chat now , Sports camp
    ~ Jennifer
  5. Huh? isnt that fossilized light reddish stuff?

  6. She is the spammer Amber.

    She has many alts, almost all having to do with CATS!
  7. doesnt seem like amber's spamming much though.

  8. You don't even know.
  9. no i dont xD

  10. heyas... nice litle siggy u got there.

  11. How bout THIS!


  12. Haha no can do. tomorrow maybe? just go on the dragon fire feedback and click the link. that'll keep ya busy haha

  13. Already read it 
  14. Ack lol... uhhhh

  15. lol i'm so prank calling my grandma at 1 am in the morning tonight/tomorrow.
  16. Why? Bothering old ladies isn't nice!

    (I prank called GlooMi yesterday and her friend answered and he was REALLY high )