The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I think our school got a whole school renovation some years back.
  2. Ooh cool! A quote within a quote within a quote xD. And is the school nice-ish looking?

  3. Lol yeah our schools really clean too.
  4. Honey, you live in Canada. Your major cities are way cleaner than the ones in America. The high schools are probably cleaner than medical research labs here xD

  5. Lol the city maybe but the schools?Nah...I've seen some others schools(elementary) in my area and they aren't all that pretty.
  6. You're too used to a super clean living standard. Hon, one loose marker or piece of paper doesnt de-beautify a school xP

  7. I think we should all try out Khepri. Poetry.
  8. Give Poetry Corner a try.
  9. Sorry mate, I'm with Osiris on this one. xD

  10. Yeah it does Lol jk
  11. You Canadians, living in the clean places. Psh ;P arrogant people!

  12. I wouldn't be living in a clean house if it wasn't for my mom! She's so neat...I can be a
  13. I think I'm most like Khnum.
  14. I might make a book about that! Like Ascent of the Gods, just Egyptian gods.
  15. How unlady like!

    What? You planning to sacrifice your body to Khnum now?

    Well it was a pleasure chatting, but I've gotta go. Later haters! xD lurv ya all

  16. Toodles!

  17. Toodles!

  18. Stora you manly woman  all the secrets are coming out now...