The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. People say KaW is falling apart, but FF is standing strong! We have vets coming back, not leaving.

    I guess it's because it's the only forum not completely taken over yet...
  2. I love being ignored. it makes me feel so good about myself
  3. You're welcome. I love ignorance
  4. :eek: OMG!
    Ignore-ance! IGNORANCE!

    ^^^those words must be connected somehow.^^^

    Hi conq.
  5. Hello. Am I one of those veterans? Or just some kid with too much time on his hands?
  6. :shock: Utho's back! yay!
  7. Utho... Utho... You sound so familiar but I can't put a finger on it! This is what I get for going inactive for a few months... Welcome back!
  8. @ Kimber: Remember Dragon Tale? Ring any bells?
  9. Welcome back Utho.

  10. Yes. It is ringing a few bells.
  11. Zaln, you said u were going to sleep!
  12. I ring bells? Nifty
  13. Finally got the prologue up to my story lol :D
  14. I saw when u first posted it...but them I went to pal cuz the fb thread wasn't up yet.
  15. Fb's up now lol
  16. Hey Feather. I was speaking of the ignorance I was getting because no one cared about my killing of Forgotten Times. Oh well makes me feel even better about me quitting the book seeing as how stupid it was. No sarcasm intended
  17. Argh, this chapter sucks. I don't feel it.
  18. Oh...
    I semi care.
    It seemed really awesome from what I read of it.
  19. I'm just lazy! I have to clean on a Saturday 
  20. I hate Saturday! I have to clean too! MY MOM IS FORCING ME!