The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. My book has a necromancess and a technomancer.
  2. :eek: that was gonna be revealed later...
  3. Broken Chapter 11: Preview

    "Amazing what happens when you think." Said the man with blue eyes, who was actually jealous that he didn't think of this plan first. Not that he was going to tell Sentax that.

    He leaned against the window, watching the rain fall lightly against the window as the sky darkened.

    "Shut up." Sentax said from his desk, where several pieces of parchment were stacked in a messy pile, and several more were scattered about the room, crumpled and forgotten, nothing more than a bad idea, or a mess of ink spilled in frustration.

    "What are you doing anyway?" said the blue eyed man.

    "Making a list." he replied simply.

    "Really?" the man said, slightly amused. "And what purpose would that list serve?"

    "Never you mind," Sentax said.

    Of course I'm not in a "evil dictator" mood, so this isn't ideal. But that's a small chunk of what I have so far. I feel bad that I haven't posted in ages. Ill try to have something up soon.
  4. Gin sake is tasty. With sushi.

  5. Btw Irin, you threatened to kill of my character before haha. It's on page 103 of this thread xD

  6. Nvm. Couldnt find time to work
  7. Again the preview of Chapter 10 of The Forgotten Times cuz I'm bored and only like two people read it. And Irin, though you replied and said it a long time ago, I'm sure i won't post the whole story in KaW. Actually, I'm debating whether to write the story at all anymore... again. But this time I've thought seriously. The thing is, I've read so many books no matter how stupid and lame. And I've realized that mine is just so repetitive and and amateurish and just doesn't grab people's attention. I've compared it to Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and tons of other book, some being terrible. I just can't imagine this book getting any fans or fame or getting me anywhere.

    10) Setting Off
    Do you know that feeling of the lack of belonging? When you are amongst a group of people who you simply know won’t accept you? Well, even the most fearsome come across this feeling some time or another, as did Khthonios on the day the Company set off.
    The City of Zeus itself was a rectangular fortress, surrounded by three rows of shining white walls. At the center was a cluster of towers where the royal family and friends dwelled. The Garden of Herse was the only other city within the fortress city of Zeus.
    The Company stood outside the great silver gates of the City. The gates were enormous, even for an Olympian Demigod, standing to about fifty feet in height. Within the thick silver was a large carving, on both sides, of a colossal eagle fighting a gruesome, snarling three-headed dog that wore a helmet on each head and a single cape clasped separately around all three necks. The eagle wore a circlet, much like Eleftheria possessed, of lightning bolts circling its head. Beneath the image was another carving in runes:
    'ενα ξίφος να τρυπήσει κακία
    Spiridion looked at the gates in awe. He walked over to Andronikos, who stood tall with shoulders back as he watched the gates with pride, but he never failed to resume his stern expression. Spiridion tried to peel his eyes away from the gates in vain as he tugged on Andronikos’ sleeve like a child.
    “Sir, what do those runes mean?” he asked foolishly. Being an orphaned pauper in his home, Spiridion never learned to read.
    Andronikos did not respond. He remained as he was, standing tall and watching the gates with his stern, golden eyes. His hair whipped before his face as Notus, lord of the South Wind, sent his warm breath thru the land. He wore a white chiton with a beautiful yellow embroidered edge.
    Spiridion looked up at Andronikos and saw he was given no attention. He felt a large hand on his shoulder and looked up behind him. He saw Aiolos smiling down at him, wearing the same apparel as his brother.
    “Do not mind Andronikos. Those gates mean more to him than to Zeus himself,” he said with a warm, reassuring smile.
    “What does it all mean?” Spiridion repeated to this kind face.
    “It says, ‘One sword to pierce malice.’ The eagle is the symbol of Zeus; the crown indicates it is Zeus himself. He fights with a Hellhound; the helmets represent Hades’ Helm of Darkness,” Aiolos gestured to all these with his right hand as he spoke while keeping his other hand on Spiridion’s shoulder, “Its cape is that of which Hades wears. Overall, this is a symbol of Zeus’ rivalry with his brother.”
    Aiolos gave Spiridion a light pat on his shoulder then walked off toward Andronikos who hadn’t even moved.
    “This gate has a different meaning to you, does it not?” Aiolos said.
    No answer came from the stern Andronikos.
    “Eleftheria wore such a circlet, did she not?” continued Aiolos, “The eagle is because she was in the Zeus kingdom? And the three-headed dog is still Hades?” He looked over at Andronikos. He was now taking deep breaths to calm himself; his twin could clearly see he was upset.
    “It is not your fault, you realize?” Aiolos said quietly, “There was nothing you could do.”
    Andronikos took a while to answer in a firm tone, “I could have gone after her. And now, for my own weakness, she is as well as dead.” He turned and walked away just enough to get away from his brother.
  8. Cool! Where do you get all those names? Is it by research or thought?

  9. I'm thinking a little of both zaln
  10. Yeah well that's what most things are... I wonder what it must've felt like to be the first like... Romance novelist. Or sci fi writer.

  11. I hate loud shouting 
  12. Huh?

  13. Not having a good day lqtm
  14. Aww... Why's that?

  15. Lol I still need characters for my book if anyone wants to take part in it~
  16. Who was the first Romance Writer?
  17. aaaand... no one cares... ok problem solved choice confirmed. FT is dead
  18. Within a day or two, my first story should be up... or at least the prologue lol.... (still kinda editing) hopefully it'll be up soon lol :D
  19. Sounds bad. Post sooner xD

  20. Just realized I don't even have a name for the book lol :/