The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. There was a recent RP mini-war. Anyways, please read the thread I made. I'm busy so bbl.

  2. Right... Those times were hectic.
  3. Ok so I went to the US...
    and it was weird...
  4. Lmao...where?
    Northeast US of A?

    Northwest US of A?

    Southeast US of A?

    Southwest US of A?

    Midwest US of A?

    Eastern US of A?

    Western US of A?

    Northern US of A?

    Southern US of A?
  5. Um the part close to the Canadian-USA border?
  6. Oh...North, northeastern or north, northwestern?
  7. Geo and sense of direction really sucks....
  8. Ooooo..... War
  9. If I slowly kill everyone does that make me evil and tasteless or suspenseful and a bit evil?
  10. The first one. Kill randomly. Like slow, then quick, the midway, etc.
  11. I think killing off quickly and randomly is more tasteless than slowly killing off people.
  12. No I mean like, kill some people quickly, others slowly, and others kinda midway.
  13. Dude...dudette...whatever, this rp thing has gotta stop!
  14. ? What did I do? And I'm a girl B-T-Dubs.
  15. Just curious but what does Fan Fiction think about necromancy and necromancers?
  16. I havnt heard that in a while.
  17. 1st chapter should be up later tonight