The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. My username says elite-ghoomba doesn't it? As you can't entirely sense tone through type, that is not meant to have come off as rude.
  2. Please read my story Emily and tell me what you think in feedback ! ;)
  3. I never implied it did. Just your statement.
  4. I was stating it in advance so as to not come off as rude. I realized after I typed it that it could be interpreted as rude and I didn't feel like backspacing so I included a note afterwards.
  5. I made a thread for the fan fic awards ;)
  6. Anything to add, Myst, Irin, and iZ.
  7. to host them....
  8. ...Co-Hosts then?
  9. Nah, it's alright...its already up anyway.
  10. It's alright...

    Dibs on hosting the next one!
  11. Feather you forgot best character and best character maker. I do like the Mr. And Mrs. Author 2011
  12. The Mr. and Mrs. Author thingy sounds cool.
  13. Sorry, had some soccer stuff to do. So what's happening?

  14. I fear we have started a fan fiction war...
  15. Don't worry, lemme fix all of this. It'll be quick and easy.

  16. I hope so. Good luck.
  17. So...many...of...the...same...freaking...threads!!! Didn't we start a FF war a while back?
  18. Against the roleplayers. Not fan fiction itself.