The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Haha, no, Poison. Just Rika. Is Bast gone or something?

    Irin! Hey! It's been so long!
  2. Oh God, oh God, I think I remember you, FeatherHunter, but my brain is derping.
  3. Seems like older players are re-emerging! Yay!
  4. Hey Rika, glad you appeared again too. Seems everybody's coming back now. Next thing you know Avril's gonna show up...
    Btw wasup Rika?
  5. For some reason it won't let me post a link to my poems thread, well it's in best of right now
  6. Hey Seth if you read this it's fine u don't put me in your story anyone want to be in mine though
  7. But actually Seth I am prohibit like 5th in that line but I had to get a new acount :(
  8. Sorry I am probably
  9. Rewriting acopolys if you are in it and active post on feedback if u want in post on feedback
  10. Holy fudge rika was here yesterday!? Haha heyyy I remember this thread! (I guess I should or Iriririn might kill me...)

  11. Everyones coming back now!

  12. Except GlooMi of course. BTW she wants me to say hi. She just had finals this last week
  13. I am trying to write a new story. Called

  14. Her brain derped...
  15. Oh colonial, what about the last hero?
  16. @Myst
    Well tell her we miss her, but she needs a new account, we like this Myst girl haha. Hope we get to know each other better!

    Hey you still a chef? I wanna buy some soda... And candy... And uhhh buy drunk? XP Ohh a new story?! I'll spa- support the thread :D

    Yeah. Shame everyone isn't around yet... Psh spam them and see if they return.

    And I wonder if apple would make a profit off: iShadow! Get it? Eye shadow is iShadow? No? Well as my friend Ceelo would say, "FORGET YOUUUUU!" Yes? Then I think we can work out a new team twosome (or threesome... Maybe foursome?) entrepreneurship!
