The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. That was unexpected :lol:
  2. Hmmm... The lorises are lurking?
  3. **lurkers! WTH are lorises?
  4. But lorises sounds pretty cool...
  5. Lol, it does sound pretty good!

    Now...where did Broken go? I need to remember how many injuries Irin sustained before I continue. XD
  6. Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted on For the Love of Cookies (FTLOC). No I haven't abandoned it but RL has slowed me down but now half term has come. :D (The English way of saying,
    (that's what my teacher told me when I was younger) for you non English)
  7. Oh wow!
    It's summer vacation for the us
  8. Got the go ahead to move my poems thread to best of
  9. Isn't that a good thing, colonial?
  10. I think he's excited
  11. WHAT IS R.L??????
  12. What's that?

  13. Something that is rare, like diamonds the size of a fist lol.
  14. Or a gold nugget one mile in diameter
  15. lol Mystique

    Poison glanced off at a wall and hid in the shadows
  16. Hey guys! Guess who's sort of back (if you remember me from kaw way back when)?
  17. Who ? BasTIOn ? um idk i give up i wasnt here in the old days

    " Greatings Rika , I'm Poison "

    lol i just had to say that i coudn't resist