The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Re: The Writer's Caf

  2. Re: The Writer'shj

  3. So... How bout that weather...
  4. Rainiest spring since '63
  5. My room still smells like paint 
  6. Is it me or has IRONhulk lost activity :)?
  7. i hope he has...
  8. Alright, so which of my original characters still active?
    Stora just posted (hi stora)
    Colonial's off being a mod
    Anyone else still alive?
    Probably gonna start working on endgame again pretty soon. And I'll probably want to do some follow-ups on characters.
  9. Hey I just made a begging to a story called blackout anyone read it yet? Oh and Seth mind if I hop in your endgame if some people aren't active or something
  10. I'll bump it for u
  11. SETH?!???!?!?!!?!!?!!!!!???!!?
  12. Oh btw...
  13. Hey guys!

    SETH! Your, like, still alive!
  14. Im starting a co-write but need a partmer , its a fantasy .
  15. Yep I'm still here. I think I've broken the record for longest consecutive lurking period. And no you can't hop into endgame. I have plenty of other people in line.