The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Awww cheese . I don't know you but you should STAY, at least long enough to finish salvation 
  2. And write the follow on...
  3. NaNoWriMo for young writers:

    NaNoWriMo for people over seventeen:
  5. I'm making a Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction... It's called "Chaotic Homunculus
  6. Should i post it??
  7. I normally get pplz trolling me on every forum thread i have...
  8. I don't even want to finish Salvation! Noone reads it, and even if they do, there's only one or two that actually do! I have no inspiration or reason to write anymore...

    Btw, I can finally do a ONE STEP WALLRUN : D!!!!!!!!

    Still can't roll : (
  9. Cheesemuffin, i have some advice:

    Sure. The world isn't perfect. But it's there trying it's hardest for us!

    Keep making it. I'll read it!
  10. hey lady about NaNoWriMo...
    Do you write about anything you choose? or do they give you a topic/gerne?
  11. Anything you want. There are pretty much no rules other than you cannot start writing before November.
  12. November is really far away
  13. ok thanks lady :)
    i think i might participate if i have time in november
  14. @IIII- I know November is far away!;( I can't wait for it to be here! To distract myself from the farawayness of NaNoWriMo, I'm doing Script Frenzy, or Screnzy, where you write a script in a month. I'm gonna do a TV show based on events that happened during the café's RP intervals. If Irin let's me.

    If she does, everyone who wants their character to be in it needs to fill a character questionnaire. The café will be named something different, but still centered around writing. The main character will be Marian, who's deepest ambition is to write an epic poem. That rhymes. Yeah, this is going to be the best TV show ever.
  15. o_O
    I really don't get the huge character thing.
    I mean, especially the absolute freedom people get with it. Wouldn't you want at least some criteria for how they are?
  16. Well, it's my script, but I want to see what YOU guys want for characters. I will probably end up editing them to make them wittier, funnier, meaner, etc. Also, I want every character to have a goal or ambition.
  17. My goal: to pat every bunny in the universe
  18.  hmmm... Can you come up with something a tad bit more reasonable. I don't have anything against bunnies, but patting is a different matter...
  19. Ik it was a joke off the baby book Pat the Bunny? I loved that book and all the textures