The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Character Conference 3/7/11

    The usually empty cafe was bustling with reporters, cameras, and a busy Irin trying to get everyone coffee. She didn't know what was going on. Only that someone had called a press conference. In the cafe of all places!

    Her pointed yet hidden ears eavesdropped on a nearby conversation.

    "He was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!" one reporter said.

    "You know Niri. He has a reputation for incredibly bad timing. I heard that he doesn't know how to read a clock!" the other said.

    Irin smirked to herself. He was right, Niri did have bad timing.


    "Excuse me, who did you say was coming?" she asked.

    "A man named Niri. Ever heard of him?"

    "Ummm...not sure." Irin lied. What was Niri up to?

    Irin surveyed the cafe. All the tables were pushed to the side. There were only chairs in the middle, facing the small stage used for poetry recitations. A podium and a microphone were on the modest stage, and-

    The door slammed open.

    "Sorry I'm late." said a familiar voice. Niri made his way to the podium. "I know your all burning with questions, so how bout this? You ask and I answer. Who's first?"

    Ooc// for this to work I reserve the right to leave a question unanswered if I feel it'll give away too much. I hope y'all have fun!
  2. It finally worked!!!!!!!!!


  3. Ummm...

    *cricket. Cricket*
  4. Do you like the color auburn?
  5. "Auburn?" he says, a little suprised by the random question. "Sure, what's not to like?
  6. are you a wizard?
    (btw sorry i'm late lol)
  7. (no problem)

    "A wizard?" Niri laughed. "Nope. I might have a few magic tricks up my sleeve though." He winked.
  8. "What do you think of donkeys? Personally, I love them."
  9. "I'm probably quitting KaW soon... It's lost it's touch... I'm doing Parkour now ... How do you respond to that?"

    Cheese, sitting in his corner, half-drunk from a keg of Writer's Rum, asks patiently.
  10. what's Parkour cheese?
  11. Parkour is that crazy ninja stuff people do on YouTube videos.
  12. You know, when you jump from wall to wall. They do it in the movies for no apparent reason (probably just for coolness) and they do it in The Prince of Persia.
  13. I think I like Fan Fic better, nobody has yelled at me for being a noob yet
  14. You're not a noob gloomi :)
    People just don't know your new name.
  15. Parkour is getting over a long distance at high speeds using only your body to maneuver obstacles.

    Like vaulting, sliding, wallrunning, walljumping, that kinda stuff.
  16. GlooMi quit and gave me her iPod. Didn't you see?
  17. But you are GlooMi.

  18. She told me she made a thread about it.
  19. I guess not then...
  20. Gloomi is a girl????
    Mind. Blown.