The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Cheese have u ever even heard of Paradise Lost?
  2. Its a book about Lucifer's fall from heaven.
    Actually I didn't learn about Archangels and Lucifer from there <.<
    i learned about them in the Blue bloods series (cant wait for next book >.< ) and from wat i read it looks like the Archangels and Lucifer and stuff come from Paradise Lost....
  3. "ahhhh" Collin yelled.Collin quickly jabbed the archangel with his elbow and pulled the sword out. Gasping for breath his body starts to glow! soon you see a 17 year old man with jet black hair and dressed in black and red. When you look into his eye you. See cold black eyes that showed images of death and decay. He looked angry as hell(pun intended) in his hand was a grey orb. He blew on it and four ghosts with swords appears! "deal with her! Me and riddle will take down the archangel!" Collin says with a little pain in his voice.
  4. The Archangel gasps. The Black Fire was supposed to destroy him. Unless.... No it couldn't be.... Could it?
    Quickly the Archangel teamed up with Reg, who was also holding a glowing sword, and they both slashed at the ghosts. When the ghosts were defeated, Reg slashed at Collin, ripping his jacket, and thats when she saw all the proof she needed. Two circles, a lamb, and the mark of Lucifer.

    Im not sure if the thing at the end is right... Its from the Blue Bloods series... I think from the "Misguided Angel" book... And idk if i remembered them right.
  5. "I AM THE SON OF SATAN You can't defeat me!" Collin growls. A large amount of force throws reg into the wall. Soon black bolts follow. Riddle tackles the archangel from behind to prevent her from helping!
  6. 1) this sounds exactly like the Archangel from TN3U

    2) I don't like the Writer's cafe anymore... : (

    3) I'm writing the next part of Salvation soon
  7. Out
    Cannot defeat u? Kinda OP 
    "Satan makes Voldemort look like a kitten!" exclaimed Reg. Her magic book flew into her hand and she chanted a spell which freed her. Her sleeve gets caught on one of the bolts, and it's ripped off to reveal that she also has the mark of the Archangel. "Schuyler! On 3! One..." Schuyler and Reg attacked Collin from each side, stabbing him with their swords.
  8. Riddle comes from behind an stabs Schuyler from behind."it would be wise not to ignore me." A sword appears in Collins hand blocking reg. He sends six rapid blow at reg's legs and body.
  9. Out
    He can be defeated he's just trying to sound cool:p
  10. Oyt
    Hes failing :p
    Reg and Schuyler quickly dodge, and then Reg cuts riddle and Collin in half and they all live happily ever after. The end.
  11. Cheater! You called me op!
  12. How am i cheating? All i did was dodge and then cut u both in half :)
  13. How did Schuyler know riddle was going to stab her?
  14. How did Schuyler get riddle off of her you completely ignored that to
  15. At the speed were going by the time you heard me the sword would be in your back....
  16. She is superfast, too. And we have rly awesome senses.
  17. Ok you win that one how bout the tackle?
  18. Sigh it all mattered on distance.... If riddle was close or far from Schuyler...
  19. 