"dead?she's dead?" riddle says dumbfounded barely being herd. "b-b-but" riddle says lost for word. The stranger sighed and said"I'll let you think about it...." then he got up and sat at the other side of the room. Out Irin can you explain to me what the café looks like?
Reg comes in, yawning. She ha been writing during class today, and her story confused everybody. She HATED being forced to write for a certain length of time. Reg preferred to write for fun whenever she felt like it, because her stories were better when she had ideas and she actually enjoyed writing when she was the one who decided to write.
Cheese was completely silent today, mortified that he'd screwed up at his play in his Language Arts class (we had to do a whole scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I stalled so much! ). But then again, it is a big accomplishment for me, because I CANNOT act, and this was better than I thought I could ever do... Here's how I screwed up: "Thou see'st these lovers seek a place to fight. Hie therefore, Robin, overcast the night. And lead these testy rivals so astray, as one come not within another's way. Like sometime rail thou like Demetrius, from Eachother look thou lead them thus ....(I paused here...)... Then crush this herb into Lysander's eye... (confidence breakdown) To take from thence all error with his might (recovering, feeling a little better) When they next wake, all this derision shall seem a dream, and a fruitless vision (back on track) ....(aw crap, brain fart ).... Then back to Athens shall the lovers wend, whiles I in this affair do thee employ,(starting to forget stuff again) I'll to my queen and beg her Indian boy, and then I shall her charmed eye release, and all things shall be peace (feeling better-ish) -other person's part- -mine again- I with the morning's love have oft made sport, but notwithstanding, haste! Make no delay! *walk off stage facepalming myself for screwing up* And that's what happened to me today
Not to mention this was in front of about 100 people, wearing a suit, and throwing a rubber chicken at someone I DONT LIKE SHAKESPEARE
No seriously, I feel kinda dumb and embarrassed And the chicken was just a prop that I (Oberon) would through at someone-who-shall-not-be-named-for-privacy-reasons (Puck) in a rage when I'm pissed at them for screwing up with a love potion... NOTE - Try as you will, PAY ME $200, do ANYTHING, and I still can't act right. I can't show emotion
"so what took you so long?" riddle asks the stranger. "oh some angels were chasing me" the stranger replies.
@Riddleteller. You are completely right. I just watched a video recording of the play and realized that I was happy to NOT be able to hear my voice (crappy recorder). However, it was obvious that I was having trouble acting... I CANNOT ACT! Nor do I care for acting
My name was never Firefur- or Amnerfur or Amberstar or Amberstar_ it always has been and Always will Be Poisonfang
The stranger gets up."I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself." he says a with friendly smile. "I'm Collin son of Lucifer I'm" he paused a moment. "riddles brother." riddle eyes widen and he stiffens."ya just hope they don't know..." Out I agree with stora Ps: lucifer? Hope some of you know your history
Reg hears Lucifer and suddenly she is on alert. She takes out her phone and dials a number, and suddenly a mysterious person comes in. She has a mysterious light coming from her.... And she watches the son of Lucifer. Out Yep I know Lucifer. He MIGHT be mentioned in my story (Darkness Ascending) or not lol im not sure yet still dont know if i should put archangels and stuff in it xD In
"look on the bright side at least it's only one person and miss hasn't told anyone yet!" Collin says smiling at reg.
The stranger stands near the door, glaring at Collin. She slowly pulls up her sleeve to reveal a sword piercing clouds. The mark of the Archangels.
"archangel? Great what's next?" Collin sighs. "hey reg now that I think about it. Don't you have a elf friend here? Maybe I should tell the elves about her! We wouldn't want that now would we?"riddle says smirking.