Reg then begins to beat cheese with a metal bat, because she is bored, and she is in a violent mood. And beating cheese with metal bats is FUN.
The only reason Reg stops hitting cheese is because she sees a pen and a piece of paper on a table, calling to her to write. She obeys the voices in her head, like she always does, and quickly begins to write. She then disappears and is actually in Regland, where her imagination is at work creating the next chapter of her story. A sign appears in the cafe, at Reg's usual table. The sign says "DO NOT SIT HERE. THIS IS A PORTAL TO REGLAND. IF YOU ENTER YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY BE DESTROYED BY ANGRY LLAMAS."
Cheese kept watching Reg rolling on the floor in her high. He laughed, knowing that shed overdosed on Story-Slaw.
Reg doesn't drink Story-Slaw. She is in Regland, and left that hologram to trick cheese. Meanwhile, in Regland, Reg watched the cafe through her magic mirror, and smiled when she saw that cheese had fallen for her trick.
But then Cheese destroyed the hologram, drank some Writer's rum, and went into Regland... Where he did this: Reg lied! These aren't Lammas!
What cheese didn't know is that they WERE llamas... MAGIC FLYING LLAMAS! So they used their magic to shapeshift, into those things and destroy cheese. The llamas chased cheese out of the fake Regland, because only Reg can go into Regland, and everybody else appears into.., whatever that place is.
Reg appears back into the cafe, and the portal closes. She is tired after writing and drinks some gatorade, but she forgot that she is always so hyper that gatorade just makes her more tired. Reg needs to stay awake so she steals Lady's coffeine and drinks a huge cup of it.
read it.... join us...... read it........!!!! btw i took a "how max r u" test and i am 100% max im trying to make my main character of my story as cool and tough and funny as max but still creative and original with a distinct personality
Riddles boredom finally got to him. He shot up"I'm making coffay" he said while the stranger stared at him.
hey, do any of you have any ideas on what else to write on my story??? :?: :!: if you doplease tellme :!: :!: !!!!!!!!!!1
Feather walked into the cafe, taking a seat at the coffee bar. Sulking at the flatness of his story...
Riddle gos over and give you some coffay to make you feel better. The stranger then says."we need to talk now!"he said. Riddle slowly nodded and follows him to the back if the room.