-out- Nonono! Hamsters are cuter! @Sam it's nice though u should describe what the character looks like a bit and the dog too, because I see a golden retriever but u might be thinking of a Siberian husky. -in- "I refuse to be a hamstermuffin!" Stora yells.
"Well you ARE a hamstermuffin!" yells Reg, and then she begins jabbing snow with a spork in an attempt to make spring come early.
here is the rest... Late at night, Jordan Maxwell was painting her dog’s toenails when her door swung open. She jumped up, screamed, and fell off the couch. Her dog barked and happily enjoyed being free of that torture. She looked up from the floor and saw…HER DAD! “Oh my flabnog! You scared me daddy!” Then the lights went off and Jordan felt a weight in her arms that wasn’t hers. The lights came back on and her dad, her dog, and all the stuff in the living room were gone. She screamed and ran to her room. She called her best friend and said, “Come over here, FAS-“The phone cut off. Jordan went to the kitchen and there was a face with her dad’s name written around it in magnets on the refrigerator. That wasn’t there before. Jordan couldn’t figure out who-or what was in her house and what it wanted. She started a fire because it had suddenly gotten very cold. She left to get some food and when she came back the fire was out and written in the ashes it said, ‘Jordan, I’m coming to get you.’ Jordan ran upstairs. It was even colder up there. She got a blanket out from the closet. It seemed the blanket only made her colder and colder. She flung the blanket off and ran outside. It was hot, too hot for midnight. Something weird is going on here and we are going to figure it out. Or try at least. Chapter 1 A new couple had come to get Jordan. Let’s see since she has already had six adoptions in the last month, it wasn’t likely to last. Every time Jordan is adopted her new family and everything about them disappears. No one remembers them, and no one has ever seen them before. Weird, right. And this is even weirder. The night before they disappear they take her to her old house. She sees everything. The face, the flashbacks, everything. I’m pretty sure if there is a ghost it’s probably doing this. I wonder what Jordan and her family did to deserve this kind of misery. ‘PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T ADOPT ME!!!’Jordan said, no, begged. But people just don’t listen, do they? So Jordan was adopted over and over again but no one could survive the curse. I hope to solve this case, so I’m going to investigate. Chapter 2 November 24 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving but of course I shall have no family to share it with. I heard “mom” and “dad” talking last night. They said they’re planning a trip and we all know what that means, so I guess it’s back to the orphanage for me. I'm not sure why this keeps happening, but I think it has something to do with my mom. When I was 5 my real mom and dad got divorced. My mom loved my dad, but my dad didn’t love her anymore. My mother, Suzan, got so angry and sad she went into a deep depression. It was like she was in a fog. Well, the fog got worse and eventually she died. So, I think she gets so mad at another family loving me when she can’t that she gets rid of them. I don’t know why. I wish she was still here, and then I wouldn’t have to deal with all this. But just one thing doesn’t add up. Why did my dad disappear too? She shouldn’t be mad at him; he took good care of me and didn’t do anything to hurt her. I'm not sure. Well until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 3 It is 5:30 am Jordan just woke up. Her blankets are thrown on the floor and she's covered in a cold sweat. She had a nightmare. In her dream she saw her mom and dad fighting. Jordan saw herself in the corner holding her Hello Bunny blanket, which she hadn’t had since she was 5. It was starting to make sense Jordan was seeing the argument leading up to her parents divorce. Insults were flying. Her dad grabbed Suzan and shoved her at the wall. Books rained down on her head. She screamed and fainted. Jordan’s dad hurriedly picked up the books and cleaned the room up. Then he picked up a phone and called an ambulance and a lawyer. The dream ended there. Chapter 4 Today is Thanksgiving, but I don’t have anything to be thankful for. My family is gone and I'm in an orphanage. To top it all off I'm sick. Oh, well. At least no one will adopt me. Well, that’s something to be thankful for. At least no one will be poofed away this thanksgiving. I may write later, until then, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 5 My foster home, that’s what I've decided to call the orphanage, says I have to go to school. I can’t believe it. This is horrible. Why do they want to put me through this misery? Its middle school. The times have changed since the 20s when they were in middle school. Then, they would drive to school in a horse and buggy. Now we go to school in SUVs. “It’s gonna be fine!” They say. They are DEAD WRONG! Like my mom, and dad. Minus the wrong part. O.K. sorry ‘bout that. I feel all bad now. Wish me luck. I’ll talk to you at school, Jordan Maxwell To top it all off I'm sick. Oh, well. At least no one will adopt me. Well, that’s something to be thankful for. At least no one will be poofed away this thanksgiving. I may write later, until then, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 6 December 10 *SIGH* I don’t even know what to say about what just happened to me. Its too frightening to even put into words. I was on a two-week vacation for thanksgiving and I just got back to school. When I got home to the foster home, there was crime scene tape around the owner of the orphanage’s room. I asked a police officer what was going on and he said,” Mrs. Boswell has been murdered.” I was shocked. Now what will happen to us orphans? I'm too shocked to tell you what happened next, so until I recover, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 7 This is my first day back at school since the incident and everyone is looking at me funny, like I have some kind of disease. Ok so I have been living in an alley since December 10 and it is January 4 but I'm not dirty. They should just get over the fact that I'm part of a police investigation. Because my dad went missing and my orphanage owner was murdered. Gosh, what's so weird about that? Anyway I guess I should tell you the rest of Mrs. Boswell’s story. Well, it was a dark and stormy night on December 10. I came home from a long day of schoolwork. All I wanted to do was sink to my neck in a bubble bath, which I couldn’t do we didn’t have running water. Anyway, I was not expecting police and forensics specialists to be there. So imagine my surprise when there were. When I asked them what was going on they explained that a neighbor had heard a woman's scream and heard footsteps inside the orphanage. Then the police arrived and found Mrs. Boswell on the floor, dead. Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 8 It has been 1 year since my dad went missing and 10 months since Mrs. Boswell was murdered. I am a freshman in high school now. I was in psychology class this morning and Mr. Shavers came in and said there was someone in the office to see me. So I left and went up to the office. When I got there I saw a picture of my dad sitting on a bench. There was a voice that sounded like his, but with a slight metallic undertone. I was confused until my principal told me that my father was communicating through the picture. He was trying to tell me what was going on. “Jordan, I am stuck in an alternate plain of existence. The only way to get me out is to do whatever the old lady tells you to. She will come to you only in dreams. Don’t expect to hear from me again if they find out that I am talking to you now they will punish me by rippi-“ the conversation ended there. I'm not sure what the last part of his message was, but it didn’t sound good. I have a feeling that they found out that he was talking to me and now its all my fault that he's going to have a punishment. Plus what he started to say sounded like ripping. That can’t be good. Well this is worse than the time I sneeze farted in yoga class. Oh well, until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 10 This morning we had an assembly at school. When we got there everything was pretty normal, until Mr. Shavers started talking. There was a weird metallic undertone, like the one that had been in my dad’s voice. And no one else seemed to notice it. I was confused until I saw the pattern on his tie. There were little purple buildings all over it. That’s when chaos broke loose. All the lights in the gym went out and the new girl screamed beside me. When the lights came back on 2 seconds later, everyone was gone except for my principal and me. Everything was the same about except for his tie. The little purple buildings were gone, and their silhouettes were surrounding us. They were getting in tighter and tighter circles, pushing me toward ‘Mr. Shavers’. His eyes started glowing and he attacked me. When he came towards me his whole body changed. His nails grew to claws, he grew to 10’ tall, and he had hair all over his body. That’s when I realized that he was a werewolf. Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 11 Werewolf Shavers clawed at my face and body. I was getting woozy and I passed out. When I woke up he was gone and I was back in the office. My dads picture was back on the desk and he started talking, but it sounded like this, “I'm swo sworrwy twhawat ywou werwe attwackwed bwy hwiwm hwe wasnwt swuppwosed to mweet ywou. “ I guess when he was punished they ripped out his tongue and that’s why he talked like that. He also said that the werewolf vanished, but he hadn’t died completely. He would be regenerated and hopefully not in my lifetime. The world my father is trapped in is full of creatures like my assailant. This evil warlord in my fathers prison is opening portals and letting out his army of creatures. Soon all of them will be released and our world as we know it will be overrun by monsters unless I do something to stop it. I have to go into this world and defeat the warlord. Wish me luck, Jordan Maxwell. Chapter 12 So, I just woke up. And I'm not in the orphanage anymore. I don’t know where I am or why I'm here, but I can hear my father's voice. Maybe I’m in heaven. Well, it’s a pretty nice place if I am. It looks like I’m on an island. There are two sides. One is beautiful and the other is dark and ugly. On the light side there are wonderful decorations. There are parties going on and people having a good time, whereas on the dark side it’s like a cemetery on a cold rainy night. No one’s outside playing; no one’s laughing or joking. I wonder why they're all so serious and dismal. They look like lawyers. Then all of a sudden I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and my dad was standing there.” Why are you here? I told you the old lady would help you. Oh this is bad very bad.” “I don’t know why I’m here. I went to sleep and I woke up here, where are we?” “We are in Oberon’s territory. If he were to find out you are here, he would kill you. We have to get you into hiding like, now.” “Well, where are we going to go?” After that conversation, a dark cloud, like an evil spirit began to gather over our heads. My dad grabbed my hand and pulled me away. We ran into a dark alley. I know it sounds weird, but there are dark places in the light side of the island. When we got there he told me that I had to go back home. That he would be fine and he didn’t want me to worry about him. As it turns out my dad wasn’t trapped, well technically he was, but anyway, my dad was working as a mechanic for Oberon. I didn’t know what that meant, but now that I do I wish that I don’t. You see, mechanics for Oberon are creating the device that is allowing him to release all the monsters into the human world. Yeah, so technically my dad is like a minion of the bad guy. Until next time next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 13 AAAAHHHHHHHH! I just woke up and you'll never believe what I dreamed about. So, I'm still in the alternate universe with my dad, and these dreams are even stranger than the ones I had in the real world. In this one, I was on the dark side of the island and so was my dad. He was in Oberon's fortress working on a part of his grand scheme for ruling the world. In the corner there was the old lady, again. I figured she would want to tell me something, so I walked over to talk to her. I thought I would just pass right through my dad and Oberon, but I was sadly mistaken. When I tried to walk through them I expected to go straight through them, but I ran right into them and didn’t go any further. That was weird. I should have passed right through them, they’re just dream matter. That was when I heard the alarm. You know those alarms they have at firehouses? The big red ones that make a lot of noise? Well, that’s what they had…except 10x louder. All these skeletal warriors started pouring into the room. It was then that I realized that this wasn’t a dream, I was awake. This is bad…really, really bad. Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 14 So, right now I'm running away from people who could possibly KILL me! But I'm calm I'm not totally freaking out if that’s what you think. Well, I guess I’ll recap what happened since I talked to you last. Everyone started screaming at me to run away. So, I did. But the people trying to kill me were much faster. They caught up with me before I could run three feet. Then they demanded to know who I was and why I was here. So, I told them I was Mike’s daughter and that I didn’t know why I was here. They didn’t believe me, so that is why I'm writing this journal from a jail cell in the dark side of the island. By the way it’s not very pretty over here. Hence the name dark side…duh! Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 15 So, I just finished dinner in jail, and now I need to go to the bathroom. But the toilets are small and metal and cold. So I guess I'm holding it for now. I guess I should tell you what has happened since I talked to you last. Well, the whole machine for total world domination is complete. They are keeping me informed about everything. They said that in 3 days the entire world will be theirs and I will be dead. So, I guess in three days I won’t be talking to you anymore. On the bright side I'm having pizza for dinner two weeks from the earth’s total annihilation. I guess that wasn’t really on the bright side. So, I guess I was wrong about that part, but I'm right about the fact that…WE’RE ALL GONNA’ DIE!!!!!! Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 16 Countdown to total annihilation: t minus 2 days and counting. Imagine waking up in the morning with a weird robotic voice saying that. It’s not the best alarm clock in the world, but it is effective. That got me up off my butt faster than any regular alarm clock. So, I received word from the traitor (a.k.a. my father) this morning. He says that if I want to live I should join forces with Oberon. But I decided that joining him would be worse than dying so, I said NO! That didn’t please my dad, so he stormed out of my cell after he threw his sword at the wall. What he didn’t realize was that his sword’s inscription was the way out of my cell! I didn’t realize it at that time either, but I would soon know. Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 17 Countdown to total annihilation: t minus 1 day and counting. Today I will escape my current prison. I just realized that to get out of the prison I would need to place my fathers sword in the wall and turn it 45 degrees to the left. A small door would open and I have to crawl through it. On the other side there is a ladder. I need to climb it and go out the window at the top of the wall. Then I'm out. Once I'm out I have to find Oberon’s workshop. That shouldn’t be so hard, considering it’s a huge fortress. So, once I get there all I have to do is disable the machine, which could either save us all, or cause a major civil war. It sounds pretty easy to do, right? Ya, not so much. Even if I gain access to the control room, I would have to figure out how to completely disable the stupid machine. I guess I could just hit it with a hammer, but I would probably get caught before I could even get close to it. * Sigh * I’ll think of something. Maybe. Until next time, Jordan Maxwell Jordan Morgan Dad Mom’s coffin Portal plug Little old lady Chapter 18 Countdown to total annihilation: t minus 0 days and counting. I GOT IT!!!! I know how to save the world (?). All I have to do is get the guards to leave the castle by raising some fake alarm, and then I can walk in and unplug the portal. If someone comes into the control room, I’ll knock ‘em out cold. Then I’ll eventually come face to face with Oberon and I’ll defeat him with my dad’s sword. Then, when the people I knocked out wake up, I’ll be gone with the portal destroyed. Time to put this plan into action. All right, so I'm going to let my friend Morgan recount what happens while I'm gone. So, here’s Morgan. So, Jordan is on her way to the control room right now. But, what she doesn’t know is that I'm going to follow her. If I get caught, I’m dead. That’s not a good thing. Jordan just raised the false alarm. She said that someone was stealing all the pudding out of the kitchen. Ha ha! The only reason that it worked was that Oberon liked to fling pudding at his servants if they didn’t work fast enough. Ya, it’s a weird place. Anyway, back to the mission. Jordan is in the control room. She's knocked out 3 of the 5 guys in the room. Oh! Here come the last 2. And they're out! Now, its Jordan and Oberon. OMG!!! Its not Oberon coming forward its….JORDAN’S DAD!!! Why is he coming? He’s not even supposed to be here. He was supposed to be on the first boat to the mainland (a.k.a. Earth). Why is he here? Oh no, this is not good. What is Jordan going to do? He's talking to her. I’ll get closer and hear what they're saying. “I figure that since you’re about to die I should give you some answers. Your mom died because of Oberon. I had to get rid of Mrs. Wattsherface, your orphanage owner, because you were getting close to the truth. I sent the werewolf to attack you because I needed to get you to dream about the old lady. The old lady was designed in my laboratory to lead you here. I'm so sorry Jordan, but there’s one more thing. I'm not just working for Oberon, I am his mortal body. He uses me to go to earth and see what's happening, and to figure out your weakest point so he can attack. I'm sorry, but…” Jordan’s dad changed into a huge version of Oberon, “ITS TIME FOR YOU TO DIE!” then Jordan’s dad/Oberon lunged for his sword, but Jordan was faster. She grabbed it and stabbed her dad in the chest. He immediately disintegrated, but before he did he exclaimed, “You will see me again, Jordan Marie Campbell Oberon Maxwell.” I now return you to your regular author, Jordan. Omigosh! I can’t believe I'm related to such a monster! Huh! The portal!!! I'm going to go unplug that now. Well, Oberon is dead and none of the creatures can get through the portal now, but I still feel sad and hollow inside. I killed my father, the only person I had since I was 5 years old. Now I have no one. I guess I’ll go back home now. Something I didn’t tell you was that the girl I mentioned earlier (Morgan) was adopted and they invited me to go live with them. I think I’ll take her up on that offer. Maybe now I can sink to my neck in a bubble bath. Until the next insane adventure happens, Jordan Maxwell Chapter 9 There is a new girl and a new boy at my school. The girl is an orphan too, and she's living at the same orphanage as me. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and she's really tall and skinny. Her nose is sprinkled with freckles. Her name is Morgan. I was picked to be her guide around the school. I'm so excited. Because this girl really knows what I’ve been through and I think we can be really good friends. The boy has blondish-brownish hair and blue eyes he is really cute. His name is Michael. So, last night I had a dream about my dad, and he was in a place with absolutely no light. There were no windows or doors. It was all just one big room. There was an old lady in the corner and she said, “Hello, my name is Eliza. I understand that your father told you about me.ught I would tell you that if you want to survive, beware of the purple building. Bad things happened there, and if you’re not careful the same will happen to you.” That’s where the dream ended. Well, at least I know what my dad meant by old lady, Jordan Maxwell
there is the whole story its probably not very good, but im entering it in a contestat my school and any constructive critiscm u may have, plz tell me...oops i put chapter 9 twice
cool but really long and i suggest u title it something like: Jordan's Diary i didnt read it all, i got all the way to the part where shes in Oberon's territory.
A boy of about 16 or 17 years old with light brown hair and had familiar light blue eyes walks into the café. He stood up straight and seemed to have a air confidence about him. He walked up to reg and said "miss I seemed to have lost my way....can I please have a cup of water?"