Oh btw, I'm trying out a medieval genre. I made a thread for it, if it's good I might turn it into a short story. Can u guys give me some feedback thanks!
Lady momentarily awakens to the noise. She smiles at Star sleepily. "Youweposedtoissmeh." she says, her words slurred. Then she falls back to sleep.
Irin glares at Star, then accepts the check without a work. She wasn't up for argueing today. "Thats it." Irin said. "Starting tomorrow I get rid of all caffine and alchole."
"Good idea." Star told her, "Hey, what does this do?" He pressed the last button on the remote. "Self-Destruct Sequence Activated." A feminine voice said the machine. Star then panicked, "I'll brb!" He yelled, actually saying the shorter brb.
With no chance to disable the bomb, Star ran to the next street, shoved it in a dumpster and returned back. "Problem solved." He said, perfectly timed with a muffled background explosion.
Irin shrugged. "As long as A) I don't have to pay for the damages and B) the FBI doesn't break down my door, then whatever floats your boat." she felt tired and wished she hadn't dumped the coffee. Then she remembered her secret stash of coke.
"You're lucky, the main explosives are still airborne..." Then a large aerial explosion shook the block, including Irin's coke. "Why did they even install that...?"