Cheese remembered something: "Irin, I finished Revolution! Please read Salvation, the sequel! I hope you enjoy it "
"Cheese, please put the gun down." He was glad no one seemed to notice the rocket and hole in ceiling.
Star checks the generator's remote. He sighs, then begins to write 2 checks, one to Irin and the other to Cheese. He then resumed checking the descent.
He continued to watch the tracking. It would impact shortly, and land around where cheese was currently. He would pay the checks after.
-Out- Original version was around November(?) then we stopped for a long while. -In- Star was suprised by the delay. He tore up Cheese's check and waited to re-write a new one.
Star walks over to the kitchen and leaves a check for Irin. He then walks over to riddle and gives him a check before returning to his seat. His reasons are explained as an object crashes through t the ceiling, its point of impact was pretty obvious. He left a check for a reason.
Lady giggles and sways to the imaginary music. The caffeine begins to wear off and Lady crashes. She lays her head on Star's shoulder and closes her sleepy eyes. "Why does caffeine have to have side effects?" she asks no one.
Star laid Lady down. In an attempt to wake her up, he gave a quick blast of an airhorn. (Which he had no idea why he was carrying.)