The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. GlooMi was lurking in a corner of the cafè, waiting for someone to show
  2. Jerad glared angrily at no one in particular waiting for his glass of birthday barley.
  3. Lady walks in, pokes GlooMi, giggles, the turns around with a dramatic wave of her cloak and sits on a stool. She begins to doze off.
  4. "right! I'm going to get some coffay." riddle says smiling at the thought.
  5. "Oh dear," GlooMi replied. "You SERIOUSLY do not need caffeine."
  6. Cheese looked up, sensing a disturbance incoming. In self-defense, he raised his revolver
  7. "Hiya GlooMi! I want coffee! I want caffeine! COFFINE!"
  8. [​IMG]

    "Oh no you don't!" Cheese shouted, and fired several warning shots
  9. Out

    WOA. That guy has a small head.

  10. Actually, that's because the armor is huge.

    By the way.... DO NOT DRINK THAT COFFEE!
  11. GlooMi rolled her eyes. "Geez no need to overreact cheese,"
  12. "I'm watching you..."

    All of a sudden, spotlights and machine gun turrets activated.

  13. -out-
    6k posts!

    Star walked in and raised both his pistols.

    "What's going on this time?"
  14. Well, GlooMi wants some caffeine, and I had to put on my armor again 

  15. Star remotely disabled the anti-magic generator.

    "Sounds like we need it."

    He armed his pistols.
  16. Lady backs away, because she has no weapons or magic. She hides behind her stool, and sips a cup od coffee she retrieved from the counter.
  17. Star paused for a moment before passing her a cup of coffee.
  18. Irin sleepily walked in from the kitchen. She was limping, and hoped no one noticed. She also hoped no one noticed her absence in the past few days, and that no one connected the two. Some things were better off staying secrets.

    Irin took in her surroundings. "What is that?" Irin pointed at Star's anti-magic contraption.

    "And more importantly...were you guys about to start world war three over a cup of COFFEE!?!" She was yelling at the end. She had had enough of violence lately.
  19. Star looked at Irin fearfully and put his weapons away.

    "Well... You see... um... We..."

    He pulled out a remote and frantically started hitting buttons. Without warning, the device detached from the floor and shot through the ceiling like a rocket.

    Star handed Irin a small check.
  20. Lady giggle, then sipped her coffee, getting super hyper. She was excited to explode when she finished her coffee. everyone would be staring at her when she started talking nonstop about nonsense. "THE COFFEE IS MINE!"