Star stood up angrily. He telepatically gripped all 3 and lifted them off the ground, letting out a small chuckle as they squirmed and tried to escape. "Would you 3 cut it out already!" He screamed to them. Still annoyed, he released them and watched as they fell to the floor. Satisfied, he returned to his laptop and contined to type.
Reg glared at Star and he burst into magical flames. Then she glared at Jerad and he did too. Then she glared at Cheese and he disappeared, and a week later an old lady would find him locked in her attic and unable to get out because a magic spell was keeping him there. Then Reg smiled at Star an a rain cloud appeared above his head, extinguishing the magical flames.
"Watch the computer!" He yelled, moving it out of the way. It was high tech and water-, fire-, shatter- and bullet-proof. With an excited type, he hit the send button. The prototype blueprints were ready. All they needed was to build and test, then deliver...
-Out- Yes! -In- A small, white truck pulled up in front of the cafe. It was unmarked, and Star ran out and grabbed a box. He immediatly opened it and pulled out an odd device and placed on the floor. "Beginning start-up!" He yells as it attaches itself to the ground.
GlooMi walked casually into the café. She rolled her eyes as she took in the damage, then proceeded to sit down at the counter.
Cheese sat in the dark corner of the Cafe, drinking Writer's Rum as usual, and watched as all the events transpired
The start-up was almost finished. "All systems ready." He said, a force field then surrounded the device. "Anti-Magic Shield online." He said smiling. Based on force strength, he could tell it was at least affecting him.
"Months of research.... And the only way it can be disabled is manually by me." He said, pointing at the force field.
Star then began to wonder if he should try writing something. And if so, what? Completely zoned out, star dropped cheese's rum, which to his luck, rolled to his feet intact, making a soft clink.