Star let out a sigh and moved Irin onto a chair. "That's going to cost you." He said. "2 holes in the ceiling... 1 wall missing... Windows waiting to shatter.... Irin is going to kill you." Star paused for a brief moment. "Remember my comment to you yesterday?"
“What comment,are you talking to me?” said Jerad, looking around frantically trying to figure put who star was addressing.
"No, I was talking to Feather." Star says with obvious sarcasm. "And my comment..." Star shocks Jerad with lightning, forcing him to the ground. "Stop trashing the cafe." He says to him after stopping.
Star surveyed the structure. The roof was barely holding and there were only 3 walls. He was worried the cieling would collapse down or worse: The whole cafe structure. -And Irin's still out.- Thought Star
Lady walks in, and thinks she'd rather not be around when Irin comes back. She smiles at Star before ditching café. Out Yay! It's an RP again! But boo! I gotta go!;( In
Star heard multiple cracks as the structure was weakening. -I hate magic, but for once I need it.- He mentally complains.
Irin finally wakes up. She notices that there is even more damage than last time and almost faints again. Wish for revenge brings her to her feet. "Okay, who's responsible?" Her fists her clenched.
All of a sudden, the lights dim to TE point of near darkness, and apocalyptic music can be heard. Wind seems to be cutting through the building, sending chills through everyone. Amidst the dark and gloomy scene, a banging can be heard at the door. Seconds later, the door bursts open with a crash, and a huge silhouette strides in. After taking several steps, the figure takes out a small rod and touches it. All returns to as it was, and Cheese puts away the remote. "How'd you like my... Residing?" He smiles.
"The wind? That's the missing wall." Star says. "And Irin, to was Jerad who broke the ceiling and wall." He appears to be straining, as if levitating the collapsing section. The cracking increases.
Irin narrows her eyes. "It might have been better if you hadn't busted the door before fixing everything. But all the same, I suppose I should thank you." Irin turned slowly, looking into the eyes of each person in the cafe. "Now, I want an answer. Who destroyed the cafe?" There was a deadly gleam in her eye.
"Jerad?" Irin asks. Of course it should have been obvious to her. But it wasn't untill Star gave her the name. Irin looked at Jerad. "Your gonna wish you hadn't done that." Then Irin lunged at him.
For the first time Irin notices that Cheese did not fix the structural damage, only the cosmetic damage. Irin says a spell, and the cafe is stable once again.
Irin stops trying to kill Jerad and uses a spell to lift the chunk of ceiling off of star. "Sheesh. I need to get insurence. Where's the little green lizard when ya need him.?"
"You sure your okay?" Irin said concerned. "But an absolute yes on the killing Jerad part. I'll even allow blood on the floor."