You haven't seen the last of me!!! Now goodbye forever mwahahahaha!!! Out- Going to bed, night crazy people
Star stopped both attacks and let him fall to the floor. He watched as he struggled, tied to the chair, which fell to it's side. "Stubborn." He mutters and walks away.
"Someonnnnes havinnnng angerrrrrr issuuuuuess" Jerad said. "Here have some water StormFreak!" Jerad said, sending a salty wave of ocean water right at Star, leaving him coughing,his eyes stinging, wet, and even angrier.
Stora stares at Jerad in awe then fear. Then she bolts for the door, leaving it hanging from it's hinges.
Star grips Stora. Against her will, she flies back into the damaged cage. "Ok. I think I've calmed down. Dark side moment."
Sensing the tension in the room, the girl strides out through the door, leaving the basket of croissants on the table.
Quickly Jerad sent water on the ground where Stora was about to step, making her fall right into a giant mudpit. "You'd be wise not to stare at me like that, Stora!" he roared.
Stora feels a surge of confidence. Standing up she stars yells at Star in french. Grabbing her broom that had been left behind on her last visit she smacks Jerad with it.