Irin sheathed her sword. She was Had no idea what to do. "i don't think we should do anything with her untill we get all of the answers. There's way too much wierdness going around."
GlooMi nodded. "I miss the days when star acted like Darth Vader. At least the weirdness was semi normal."
Irin laughed. "Agreed. It seems everything was better before the Fan Fic war." Ooc// You guys wanna go back to the cafe?or stay in the clearing? Bic//
GlooMi glances at her watch. "interesting, I didn't know I had a watch.well it's alerted me to the fact that I have a few... Things I need to take care of be right back."
Irin yawned, then used some of her remaining energy to change thier surroundings back to the cafe. She sat in her place behind the counter and yawned again.
Star returned to his chair and grabbed his guns. If lady was here, everything would be back to normal...
Reg waves goodbye to GlooMi, then chanted a spell from her spell book that gave Irin a little more energy. Then Reg jumped out the window, leaving a mess of shattered glass, and a note saying she would pay for that later. out i gtg bye! in
Irin groaned at the shattered glass. "Really?!? Is it so much trouble to use the door?" irin sighed, waved her hand, and the window returned to it's former state.
Irin notices it too. She tosses him a band-aid. "Patch that up before it gets on the floor!" she said urgently.
GlooMi returns, exhausted from her errands. "I'm sorry guys," she sighs, "but I must return to my home," with a puff of rose scented smoke, she disappears.
Star hurries, but is too late. A large drop plummets to the ground. With extreme speed, he catches the drop on the gun, landing next to the drop already on the floor.
"By Gloomi," Irin called. She stirred her coffee, looking down at it. She didn't see the drop of blood already on the floor.