The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. So what u think about the next chp?
  2. Little sneak peek to part 4 in chapter 9. Also checking to see if it posts alright...
    Chapter 9: Trapped Part 4
    Silence is all I heard.
    I opened my wet eyes.
    Jay looked worried and was talking to Karl in the pit.
    Keir was studying the outer walls of a nearby home.
    Atlantric seemed to be getting darker. The lights weren't blazing anymore. They took on a dim glow, casting shadows everywhere.
    Looking up, the water was an endless black.
    Questions flooded my brain.
    How deep were we?
    What was I doing here?
    What time is it?
    All of them left unanswered.
    For the first time I noticed how beautiful Atlantric was. They had plants native to the sea and buildings so different I could not describe.
    I hated it.
    How could the world look so beautiful when Diane was dead?
    I felt a buzz in my brain as if it was going hyperactive.
    I tried to shake it off.
    Looking down, some broken fragments of glass lay cracked on the ground.
    My eyes were red and puffy. My cheeks stained with dry and fresh tears.
    The red in my hair was starting to disappear. All I had were streaks.
    How was I to tell Diane's parents?
    I sighed.
    Jay walked over to me.
    "Are you ready?" She asked quietly
    I breathed out. My questions would have to wait. More immediate problems needed attention.
    "Yes..." I answered
    Jay nodded. "Keir thinks we could sneak into a home and find some rope or a ladder. We can get Karl...and Diane...out of the pit..."
    "Keir?" I asked surprised
    " he looks." Jay admitted
    "Ok...let's do it." I said
    Now Jay looked surprised.
    "You think we can pull it off?" Jay asked
    "Yeah. Plan A: Sneak in, grab what we want, get out. Plan B: Bust in, kill anyone inside on sight. Which one do you want?" I asked
    My brain felt hyperactive again. It felt like an overdose of caffeine.
    Jay looked startled by my idea. "Plan A." she said quickly
    I nodded a bit disappointed. I would have liked to kill anyone from Atlantric right NOW.

    My feet hit the ground of a pristine backyard.
    I straightened my quiver and strung my bow.
    Keir had chosen a house with a backyard. He said it would be easier to get in.
    When I asked him about alarm systems, he has just grinned and said he would take care of it.
    This made wonder what kind of trouble Keir got into in Illuminate.
    This is obviously not finished
  4. Thx lady but I still have a lot more to write
    @story lol I probably won't finish for awhile...I'm so busy in RL.
  5. YAY IT WORKED STORA I POSTED NEXT PART but you'll have to read the whole last post to know what's new sorry 
  6. Ok I'll read it :)
  7. Post me some feedback
  8. This may sound a little creepy, but I had a dream last night that me, Irin, and a lot of people from my university were in a restaurant on a cruise ship, and we were getting ready to RP. Irin's name was dawn, my friends name was dust, and another girl's name was frost... That's all I remember lol. It was REALLY weird...
  9. Oh and this guy's name was radiance...
  10. Lol, really wierd. Just out of curiosity, what did I look like in your dream?
  11. I don't really remember. Kind of short with a little less then shoulder length brown hair and blue-grey eyes I think. That's all I can remember lol
  12. I don't really remember... I think you had medium brown not quite shoulderlength hair and light brown eyes...
  13. Wow...kinda creepy. But my hair is longer and I have brown eyes. Everything else is right though...wierd.
  14. Whoa creepy lok
  15. I re-posted at the top cuz the other one didn't go through lol.
  16. Lol. goes the writing everyone?
  17. I think I will try and follow through with a story. Been saying that for months though...

    And Majesty is a mod now?