The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Well, tomorrow is my last day of winter break.

    You know, even though KaW is getting boring it still Is just as addictive to me. I need that update. Maybe we will get some more action again. I might also try my hand at writing finally.
  2. This thread is coming along pretty well. I can't hold a thread for more than 2 days...

    Anyways, I gave trying to write that Greek soldiers book. I found a shorter, better project.
  3. The summary is still very good though, so I guess I will go ahead and give that again, the full version this time!

    Okay, so Octavius and Maximus are two Greek men who grew up best friends on the island of Ithaca. Odysseus is protected by the goddess Athena, and he is also the king of that island! The same concept applies here, so Octavius's sponsoring god is Poseidon. Maximus's is Zeus. The only traits they inherit so far from these gods are the ability to flow sword strikes like the waves, and to strike deadly fast.

    One day, a messenger comes and brings news that the two men have to leave for the Trojan War. They hear of how the smartest man around: Odysseus, trys to get out of going into war, and fails. So does Achilles. They get to the beach, and they are all ready to sail, but no wind. Agamemnon, the Greek king leading the invasion has offended the Greek god Artemis, by killing her white stag, (or something like that), and has to sacrifice his daughter on the altar of the gods to get the wind. He does so.

    When the ships are nearing the beach, Achilles has already taken it all. They get off their ship, and their sponsor gods appear in front of them and give them extra powers. Octavius can now suck the water out of the enemIES, and now Maximus can now bring lightning down upon ten enemies at a time! (MAXIMUS IS INTENDED TO BE THE STRONGER CHARACTER, BUT NOT THE MAIN ONE THOUGH)

    During the period of several battles over ten years, sometime in the middle, prince Hector, one of the sons of the Trojan king, kills Maximus! Octavius is sitting there next to Maximus as he dies, with Zeus protecting the two of them in the period. Zeus gives Octavius the powers that Maximus had...
  4. Sorry, my keyboard was slowing up on me, so here is the rest:

    Octavius is planning revenge on Hector, and he is very angry to find that Achilles has already killed him!

    He goes through the Trojan Horse raid, yada yada yada, then his own little personal Odyssey until he gets split from Odysseus, then some other stops of his own!

    Book 2 was intended on Octavius's revenge on Achilles, then he was going to try to revive his friend using an ancient technique needing a special material there is only one of, and it is very hard to get too. First, he has to strike down the man, or god, who was the cause of bloodshed in the beginning. ARES. he must kill Achilles, take his shield, steal the keys from Ares, then head off for the Golden Fleece, slay the dragon, and revive his friend. Then, he must DECIMATE Ares.
  5. Oh, and the only reason why the keys are important is you can not get anywhere near the Golden Fleece without them. Also it allows the access to the underworld, and draw souls back to their bodies. All must be together for it to work.
  6. We need an anti-spam team for Fan fiction. Look at all the off topic threads.
  7. Agreed. All in favor of said idea?

  8. I would help make that, but I don't think I would be taken seriously with my stats.
  9. hi my name is Snowclaw but my friends call me Snow. What type of roleplay is done here ? My family is dead. I am on my own for good this time. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  10. This isn't a roleplay. Most RPs here are pal now anyway.
  11. lol havent been here in a while

    plz click, i give u hug >•.•)>

  12. 5000th post! Congradulations on the Cafe milestone!
  13. Put up to chapter 9. I have some of 10 done but not much :/
  14. OMG!! I just realize that irin first posted this on July 20th- MY BDAY!!!
  15. I wish I could finally read stories again. RPs are finally ending, but I dont think they're bringing FnFic back to Active Topics 