The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Nah, that wasn't op. That was plot twisting. I really liked that part of the rp. And my character getting shot was me trying to be realistic and not dodge every bullet aimed in my direction. But I don't think it was op at all.
  2. I was never op at least i don't think....
  3. It may or may not have. I'm sure there would have been some noobs who would post anyway.
  4. I'd say it probably went downhill when reg made and abused the spirit thing.
  5. Hmmm...I think we could have saved it at that point. I think it was truly gone when a lot more people showed up and no one could keep track of anything.
  6. Anyway, I think I'm gonna turn in early. Last day of school tomorrow. Finally!
  7. Well, reg had been an earlier and more minor one. The noobs, especially the violent and OP, completely ruined it.
  8. Ya it was good before a lot of people joined ....
  9. Bye Irin, good luck!

    Mine ended last Friday.
  10. That sucks Irin! My last day was today!

    A gift for all: 

    And an extra one for Irin who has to deal with another day of school:

  11. Lol dude NO SCHOOL
  12. Sigh I miss spottedleaf2
  13. I'm stuck with a clan
  14. I remember when you made this thread Irin! So how is it coming?
  15. :eek: fan fiction is no longer in active topics?
  16. We could ask the mods to move pur threads to off topic!
  17. So that it will be on active topics again! Do u think i should?