The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Luke gets up from his nap.
  2. great I'll have to wait for the humans to wake up.
  3. In
    "hi everyone"
  4. Cheese walks in, cuts a table in half, and leaves

  5. Ali walks in and chops the table in quarters and hears more laughter
  6. Nath chops into eights and the laughter suddenly stopped
  7. I skimmed over what I missed, and well...I think I ought to discontinue all roleplaying here for awhile. It was fun when there were just a few of us, but now everything is out of control. I think it would be best if this went back to what it was originally: a place for writers to chat.
  8. When did the stuff about alex stop
  9. When I became too busey/sick to play him.
  10. The roleplay was fun at first... Then all the violent and OP people came.

    What do you guys think of the new forums?
  11. I think another problem was when TN3U was moved here.
  12. Irin, have you stopped writing innocence?
  13. TN3U will rule all of forums
  14. out
    omg i missed a lot is there anythig IMPORTANT or INTERESTING that i missed? i cant read everything D:

  15. NOOOO
    until it went crazy...
  16. *gasp*
  17. do u think i was op? :(
  18. No offence, but 90% of the people who had magic began OP.

    OP is also a domino effect in my opinion. People may become OP to keep up with one person who is OP.
  19. so i was op?
    im sorry *sigh*