The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You wish. David thinks back... She really that dumb to believe it was the same wolf... They don't live that long reg... He sends
  2. Pink for once agrees with him.. And send her thoughts to reg..
    Me an reg accually r telepathic
  3. Reg is angry. She sends David the message... He is reincarnated I can sense his spirit!
  4. Reg slaps David and leaves a bright red mark on his face.
  5. "reg it may seem like that. But he is a great great grandson. Oh let go before he bites you."riddle says as Luke starts growls.
  6. "uhh or reg u gotta sneeze :p it's possible.."
  7. David still smiles, the red mark fading rapidly
  8. Reg smiles at Luke and he suddenly calm down. She has a way with animals, and Luke can sense it's her.
  9. "umm Luke can you get off me now?" riddle asks him.
  10. "give up reg" David tells her "it's not his soul" as he says this Davids appearence snaps into one of a wolf & back quickly..."told you" he said after regaining breath
  11. Luke slowly gets off riddle. "I'm going to go get luke some food" riddle says still very happy.
  12. Reg gives up and glares at David.
    "Why do you always contradict me? I temporarily bring Juliana to the mortal world so that you can see her again and this is how you repay me?"
    Juliana has went back to the spirit world an hour ago.
  13. Pink laughs at regs frustration...
  14. Reg slaps Pink. "I AM YOUR MOTHER DON'T SASS ME!"
  15. Luke starts exploring around the café.


    Likes my second per- wolf ok

  16. "I can't contradict you if the information is incorrect I can merly prove your words to be false" he states
  17. "Well, I know it's him, and I don't care what you think!" snaps Reg.
  18. Pink chokes on her drink "what!? Ur my mom!?" she laughs hysterically
  19. Reg rolls her eyes.


  20. Pink gentaly caresses her cheek glaring at reg. Her muscles tensing up...