The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Ummmmm I'm not sure i want to see that....
  2. Ummmmm nononononononooooooo
    (any closer I bring out the zombie repelent)
  3. Way too close....
  4. Re: The iWrite Café

    I would Ask what happened here, but...i don't think I want to know...
  5. Ummm don't ask let's just say umm I had to get my gun out so
  6. Preview of the next chapter of innocence.
  7. Erm...forgot to past it. Here it is! 

    I sat on a tree stump, listening for anything and everything. Crikets chirping, owls hooting, soft wind blowing the leaves of the trees. 

    Hours passed by. Then, I heard footsteps. 

    I spun around while unsheathing my sword as I looked for the owner of the footsteps. I nearly dropped my sword when I found him.
  8. When r u posting the rest of it
  9. Probably tonight. I have to finish it first. xD
  10. Lol, I'm a chapter ahead, trying to sort out ideas 4 the next chapter
  11. Whoops, chapter 3, sry 
  12. Chapter 2 is up
  13. They're short chapters ww. But good
  14. I know, I should make them longer, shouldn't I?
  15. I think so. My chapters used to be one page of real paper. Now I'm making them twoish
  16. Ok, it's hard in the beginning when it goes from one thing to another, I'll try and combine short ones
  17. I don't mind short chapters. I always try to end my chapters so that readers want to read more. I think that's all that matters.
  18. I'm trying to do that too, might post the next chapter later tonite
  19. Awesome, can't wait!