The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "but reg! She insulted moi! MOI!"
  2. Reg snaps her fingers and Pink freezes. Pink can't move now. Reg turns around and leaves suddenly.

    i gtg bye!
  3. Sydney stood up and faced Pink. "Yes Yes I did."
  4. "Yes you. YOU. BUT YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!" drowled Reg before she left.
  5. Pink shrugs and smiles "ok."
  6. Out
    Bye reg!!
  7. *Random ppl gasp* "pink was calm!" 
  8. Star retrieves his equipment and marches back to his seat.
  9. Pink stares at star confused
  10. Out
    I'm tired now lol I'll just lurk  cya bbl
  11. "hello"riddle says walking in.
  12. Riddle sees Reg's magic cupcakes and eats one. He becomes invisible. As Reg walks in, she writes on a notepad and mumbles "Vanilla cupcakes with no frosting and rainbow sprinkles make you temporarily invisible, and vanilla cupcakes with strawberry frosting and no sprinkles make you fly."
  13. There are so many cupcake combinations! Thinks reg. She wonders when she will be able to test them all.
  14. Reg. Tn3u

  15. Keir wonders whether or not he was safer up in space in a burning shuttle that was about to explode "probably," he says to himself quietly.
  16. Star carefully entered the cafe. He always seemed to carry his weapons with him. Something bad seemed to happen here while he was alone...
  17. Irin came out of the kitchen, looking much better than she had before. "Hello Star," she said with fake charm. She had relized what happened to her counter and thought that Star was the one who did it. She was very mad.
  18. "hi" shadow says as he walks into the cafe, "this is my pet dragon!" a black dragon walks in after shadow."he's nice, he doesnt bite or burn stuff."
  19. "hi" shadow says as he walks into the cafe, "this is my pet dragon!" a black dragon walks in after shadow."he's nice, he doesnt bite or burn stuff."