Reg takes a mysterious item wrapped in aluminum foil from her pocket. She unwraps it to reveal... A CUPCAKE! "Try this," she commands Star. "Telk ne if you like it!" Star eats it and begins to float. "Did i mention they're MAGIC cupcakes?"
Star is forced to use his last resort to escape. While nothing seems to happen for a moment, it is obvious when his face begins to turn red.
Sydney watches aghast. "I have NO idea what's going on but you can't do this to star! What did he do to deserve this?!"
"Why are you fighting?" asks Reg, confused. "I was just trying to get you to try my famous desserts! They're magic so they can give you powers for a short amount of time," she explains.
Pink smiles sweetly at Sydney "what do u mean!" while pulling a dart gun out of her sleeve behind her back
"You're right! Star doesn't deserve my magic desserts! Do you want to try them instead, Sydney?" asks Reg.