The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Jessie finishes her creation and runs back to the Café. "I finished!" she says with a blank expression. She has a new ring on her finger and it's glowing.
  2. The stranger wonders if Jessie needs help. Even though she didn't sya anything, Jessie hears her question.
  3. "No, just watch." she says. Jessie presses the center of the ring and it enlarges and covers her hand.
  4. The stranger glances at the ring and nods approvingly. The stranger is uncharacteristically silent, and is sick of typing "The stranger." She can sense the ring has great power.
  5. The expanded ring turns a bright gold color and keeps growing.
  6. In
    Lilly starts to shake uncontrollably
  7. The stranger smiles in amusement, thinking that gold can be yellow or white, and wonders what color the gold is. :lol: Also, she wonders if Jessie realized that the stranger didn't say her question out loud.
  8. Soon the ring covers her whole arm and then turns back to a duke gray color.

    "What the..." she says annoyed.
  9. "Isn't it nice having weapons pointed at your face" riddle asks.
  10. "It's not working!" she says "I give up!". Jessie sits down and tries to relax.
  11. In
    "very nice it is"
  12. out

    sorry for being op, i think those problems r solved. Now, I can be hurt, even though I know spells to heal myself, But I can't alwaysdo the spells, and I have telepathy powers, which is just communicating telepathically, and some spells. ;) the stranger is obviously me in a new body, but none of u know its me cuz i look and sound different.
  13. A newcomer watches from a distance, a large sword strapped to her back. She crosses her arms and watches with curiosity.
  14. The stranger giggles at riddle's question. "Yes, it is!" For a moment, she sounds and looks familiar, but nobody notices.
  15. Jessie jumps when her arm armor shoots out a knife and lands in the wall.
    "Whoah!" she says amazed.
  16. The newcomer tilts her head, interested with the armor.
  17. The stranger giggles again. "You don't even know what you made? Look at this!" She touches a spot in Jessie's armor, and the armor spreads to Jessie's back. The stranger touches another spot on the armor and metal wings come out of the armor. "Don't ask me how I knew. I can sense things like this," she said, smiling mysteriously.
  18. In
    Lilly stands up slowly
  19. "I wonder" she says. She thinks if she can fly and her wigs soon start to flap and she is airborne.