The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. And third I am not disembodied
  2. And forth star I'm down here I'm in my animal forum right now
  3. Star wonders why the strange voice said their 2 points twice each.

    "I hear a voice but can not trace it to any person, creature or object. Where are you!"
  4. Down here you star
  5. - changes back to witch -
  6. Star is still unable to trace the voice. "I'll be off now... To a... Um... Dentist appointment! I'm really late!" He dashes straight out the door
  7. I look around the empty cafe . "Hello anyone there ?"Amber said .
  8. "Awww! You silly disembodied voice! You scared Star off! And we were just about to figure out how on earth (or whatever planet she's from) irin has magical powers!" Lady says with a huff.
  9. Star glances in the front door. "Hi Lady!" He walks back in.
  11. "Wow. The disembodied voice sounds angry." Lady says trying not to snicker.
  12. Lady quit it I'm not disembodied
  13. "I agree lady." Star replies. "And I wonder how Irin gained that magic power... I'll go grab some rope and a chair and we'll go interrogate her."
  14. I'm not disembodied I'm Amber Blossomstone is dead Her spirit lives in me but Delphin wants Mbp in me as well but I don't want him in me
  15. Where Is Irin anyway ?
  16. "I've been researching disembodied voices. Watch this!"

    My voice is disembodied!
  17. Well I'm not a disembodied voice
  18. Cool! I'm a disembodied voice!