But thats where you come in fang your Wolf Fire a main character the story's about but because of HW I might not write much when I get on
Well I think I have an idea for the decscription fro Blossom As she is mostally called in the story . Blossom- Hazel eyes , blonde hair , girl Age: 15 Wolf- Blue eyes , black hair , boy Age: 15
Ok here is the first part of my story! It's from the warriors series (They are cats that live in the forest) and I don't know if I shoud go on. Well here it is so far: Rising Darkness A cat with a blue-grey pelt watched the pool of water intently. "Bluestar there is nothing we can do. Dark forest is rising against us and the cats of the clans." said Oakheart. "Yes, but I cannot help watching. Our clans are in peril and there is nothing we can do. There is suspicion everywhere and our warriors do not know who to trust. Breezepelt has already joined their side. And Ivypaw is close. We must send a cat of Starclan to Ivypaw in a dream. That cat musts convince her that Hawkfrost is trying to get her on their side" said Bluestar gravely. "The cat must be chosen soon." "Again" commanded Tigerstar. "You twist, flick, then lunge for their spine. Do it again claws unsheathed" The grey cat panted and tried the move again. "Aha!" gloated Tigerstar. "Good. Now keep working on it" All over the dark forest, training battles were being waged. "Starclan shall have no chance againt us!" said Brokenstar as he watched the progress. "We shall rise and rule the forest!"
Just follow my example but change to fit Wolf Fire your character fang he's yours to play in my story . Blossom-blode hair hazel eyes and a girl Age: 15 Bio: lived most of her life in Ice hollow , but then one night Raven , Wolf's arch enemy and friends arch enemy, came and murdered her mom and dad and she was left alone she was only one when this happened . Abilities: parsel tounge, Animagus transformation Wolf Fire- boy , blue eyes and black hair Age :15 Bio: Lived his life on his own from age 5 when his parents were murdered . Abilities : Werewolf transformation once a month like lupin Salina Kyle- girl, Green eyes, and Black hair Age:15 Bio- lives on her own from age 3 parents were murdered when she was three . Meets Blossom and Wolf at age 11 . Abilities: can speak to snakes and cats
Wolf Fire's Destiny : Chapter 1 - The unbreakable vow One morning in November In fall Salina Kyle was roming the allies when a dog came chasing after her . " Not again !" Salina moans while the dog chases her .
Chapter 2- Dark Secrets Salina having out run the dog was in a dark ally way . Then a voice spoke and hazel eyes gleamed in the darkness ."Who's there ?" said the voice . "I am Salina Kyle " said Salina Blue eyes gleam farther back in the darkness. The voice of an 11 year old boy speaks. " Who's there Blossom ?" said Wolf with excitement . Blossom speaks again ." Salina Kyle " said Blossom in an under excited voice .
Chapter 3- A lasting Friendship As time goes on Salina, Blossom and Wolf become friends . They are inseparable. One night while exploring the alleyways Salina finds that she can speak Parsel tounge, the language of a snake . Salina also finds that she can change her form . Blossom figures that she too can speak to snakes. Wolf finds that he can once a month turn to a werewolf. Not only did time past but as time went in Salina found that she could speak to cats.
1 Chapter Wolf Fire It was a normal November day like any other, the wind whistling through your hair like a bike ride, and the cold threatening all who were unprepared for the weather. (I wanna see if I can re-write the chapter)
Salina Kyle, an average girl with not much to was roaming the dark spaces of a wet alley, with water dripping from the gutters on to her head. She jumped suddenly as a box next to her shook, a small growl erupting from it. She gingerly opened the box, then took off running, an angry dog not far behind her.
Chapter 2 - Ice Hollow The world seemed so normal but then things changed and Ice Hollow wasn't so peaceful that night.Blossom , an almost average girl at the age of 1 when her parents died, was walking through the snow in Ice Hollow when an angry dog came running out of nowhere. Salina knowing that the dog was still chasing her went a bit father into Ice Hollow . The dog having followed got lost. When Blossom approached the dog something strange began to happen . The dog seemed to just vanish into thin air .
Chapter 3- A tragedy not forgotten Hazel eyes gleamed in the darkness beside Salina in the damp ally . " who are you by the way ?"said the voice to which those Hazel eyes belong ."I am Salina Kyle " said the dark haired girl with green eyes. "I am Blossom"said the blonde haired girl with hazel eyes .
Chapter 4- Dark Secrets Wolf Fire's younger sister, Anna , jumped from a nearby tree to the ground. Wolf Fire was startled by this . " who are you " said Blossom and Salina . "my name is Anna " said the black haired grey eyed girl , whom is Wolf's sister. " nice to meet you Anna " I said in a Gloomi voice .