I know, bur the story is kind of straightforward. Probably less change than in most other book-movie adaptations. And yes, my friend bought the trilogy, so I'll be reading them soon. Also, I bought A Song of Ice and Fire, because I'm rich like that. *wink* @Para
Whenever I see one of those old threads come on, I'm always like this... Hope this works. And seriously, what's with the radio silence from you guys? Who's left in FF?
You must join us in both body and soul. And yah... That GIF failed. By the way, PSAT's are this Wednesday. With a little studying I got a 181. Terrible. >.< My Error ID sentences are terrible. Either that or you should see some of the questions. I guarantee you that you'll find NO error with the sentence. It's really frustrating.
And OMG... Only around 50 pages into The Maze Runner... Besides for the general plot, the movie is NOTHING like the books. Seriously. Watch/read both and you'll see what I mean.
Hi there, Benny! This section of the forums is called Fan Fiction, where everyone can write stories, poems and so on!
Aww thanks Benny. But seriously help us get this back on AT. This section is pretty much dead. Also, how was your KaW vacation?
OMG this layout is both weird and completely awesome! We can see post count on mobile! THANK YOU DEVS!