The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Cheese... We need more stories.

    And this is supposed to be Café, right?

    Dave: as in a friend who's a girl, or a girlfriend specifically? o_O
  2. Girlfriend specifically.
  3. Cheese, if you're just going to complain, I have two opinions for you:
    1. Do something about the state of FF, rather than *****ing about the condition and expect somebody to do everything for you; help out.
    2. Leave, the exit is there, if this place sucks so much; just go and never look back.

  4. You weren't joking about the confusion, Dave. :/

    Dave, I'm scared. The HAL 9000 has never made a mistake before...
  5. Hey guys, haven't been on KaW for the longest time. I'm writing a short story titled Frayed. If you guys could give me some first impressions that'd be awesome. Things you could relate to and things that I can expand on.

    I'll try posting what I can as I write but I've only gotten the first chapter down.
  6. I can to read it by the end of the week.

    Dave: "what" about the first or second part?
  7. What about everything. I have absolutely no idea as to what you're talking about.
  8. Snowboarding this Thursday.
    It's gonna be AWESOME.
  9. As I sat, I stared.

    ~The End
  10. Hey that new story "The Choice" seems like it could either be amazing or be a total flop
  11. Nah it's gonna be awesome I can feel it
  12. @Skyler_the_NeoKnight

    well, i read what's there of frayed, it seems pretty well written so far, and interesting enough, i just so far don't see where it's going. still, keep going.
  13. If anyone is looking for a story to read could you please read Iris?
    It's the equivalent of 12 word document pages so far and if you could leave any feedback in the feedback thread I'd be very grateful.

    Thank you to all the readers who already have :)
  14. Why oh WHY is doc ument censored?

    Yes, I bypassed.

    Call the cops
  15. Hey people of Writer's Cafe. If you get the chance or just get bored and want something to read, please read "The Choice" here in fan fic. Feedback appreaciated. Please and thanks.
  16. New meat in FF?

    I never thought I'd see the day.
  17. FF is dead... Again! :( :(
  18. NEVER!!!

    i posted a new short story i wrote for a school project. it had to be around 1500 words, so i made it exactly that:D

    it's titled 'To Rule a World' and i'd appreciate if you all went and checked it out :D
  19. And I updated Iris not that anyone cares :D