^? And I was right on both accounts? Creepy. Sherlock to that policewoman: "It seems like you didn't make it home last night." "Your knees are scraped." "What, were you washing his floors last night?"
Honestly, that part is never answered (funnily enough) but instead we just see the rivalry between Anderson and Sherlock.
For ****'s sake, can we use this thread for what it's supposed to be used for instead of just talking about the latest shows? I don't care how hypocritical I sound saying this, but seriously, it's disappointing.
Seems like this thread has picked up a little. I'm curious, do mods even check here? Too big of a thread for me to check. But I would assume they would have one guy check here
Well we can stop moping and glance at the new story I posted! Only wrote a little bit (plan to have chapter 1 up tomorrow). Hope the teaser gets you interested!
But then I'll probably get yelled at by mai teachers D: On a side note, still working on Chapter Three. I will finish it, and it will be better.
I really thought I could get to at least Chapter 5 without a post on main story Thread... -_- Oh well. Chapter 3 is up (In case anyone cares... :crying