I was going to put up that Isen chapter today, but then I decided not to, for two reasons. First, I am ridiculously tired. Second, I just checked every thread in the first page. There are no meaningful responses, no real replies to anything, and the only story-related posts that caught my eye were two freaking bump posts on Irin's story. For those who care or remember what I've written here, I think my teenage writing phase is nearing its end.
I can't stop from missing you tonight, The cold weather hit me just right.. I don't know how I'll sleep at night, Without you holding me so tight..
What did you expect, Cheese? FF is overrun. I'm compiling a goodbye post/thread and I'm not even sure it's worth the trouble of posting it. I'm gonna say goodbye to KaW soon. Or try. Hard.
I never said I was leaving. I just said I'm not writing anymore. If I do get the time to write again, I'll be on Wattpad. I'm sure you could find me there.
I haven't been around much but dang, FF messed up. I actually kinda wish Feather was here to (aggressively) clean it up ._.
Okay, I have been lurking around a month but that has made me climb out of my hole. Feather did nothing to clean up anything. He wishes he cleaned up anything but he all he managed to do was piss off everybody in FF. For Christ's sake he couldn't even get rid of IRONhulk! If we need anybody, it's D_Bo, and even he couldn't help the shambles FF is. /end rant
D_bo was great. It's not very often that you see a troll who knows what they're doing and how to do it. Feather was a bit different. I mean, even if all his claims of being a great student ambassador, traveling the globe, and being superior to everyone were true, he wasn't humble. I had more than a couple Internet fights with him.
For the life of me i cant remember D_Bo... Was he not around very long, or was it just very very long ago
Oli, that's his name. Wow. Every FF regular showed up, except Kat and Candi... You guys really better not leave. Then I'll be all by my lonesome... If you do leave, though, against my... wishes? You better come back at least once in a while. Part of the reason this thread is dead is because all of you regulars just... Stopped posting on it. I've been here on FF for a while. Got to know Stora, iPimella, Feather, Irin, and iZaln (and anyone else that I forgot... Sorry). The thread has seen better days, and the main reason for that is because of the lack of new players (blame the RP'ers who took FF out of AT. I've done a few RP's myself, and if handled well, they're amazing. But if they aren't very well put together, it's just plain spam). If we all just posted once in a while, who knows? I'm seeing a bunch of new FF'ers... Just help them along. Then maybe FF won't be in such a big pile of ****. And we also need a mod to help clean this place up...
That's the reason I'm not leaving. I may sound like a nostalgic grouch recently, but I'm just waiting for the moment that we actually get a mod. However, I don't think we could have a mod unless we asked ATA for one. This section, no matter how out of place, is still here, and it needs some form of cleanup. This presents another issue, though: we cannot have a mod for one particular section of forums; it just wouldn't work with the structure they have now.