The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Anyone remember the drugged up chef?
  2. Beep boop beep wassup guys how's life
  3. Relatively uneventful.
  4. Yay! You guys are coming back to life!
  5. *Used lots a Max Revives on the Café*

  6. LIVE CAFE!!!

  7. My pokémon!!!
  8. Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukah everyone!
  9. :< I get nothing to celebrate.
  10. You can celebrate Twerksgiving.
  11. God I saw a commercial like that.
  12. What's with people not giving there stories titles, if you can't come up with a title don't post it!
  13. @Bremen

    That was win.
  14. Wow. This really died.
  15. There were just too many mean people ...
  16. I still check it daily though. Maybe one day this'll be up again, or perhaps not - maybe the old guys moved to a different forum altogether.
  17. I hope people will come here again.
    Everyone just disappeared like a month ago.